Chapter 22

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Jana POV.

Today is the day me and Chris go house searching I'm so excited.

"Babe get up get up."I jump on Chris as he groan.

"Noooo 5 more minutes."He say.

"Get up."I hit him with a pillow.

"Ok ok I'm up."He gets up.

"Better."I peck his lips.

He smile.

"You know I love you right."He say

"Yeah now go shower imma go make breakfast."I slap his butt and run.

I make up something quick like eggs, sausage, and toast. After I was done Chris was coming downstairs.

"Hey babe you hungry?"I ask.

"Starved."He sits down as I make his plate.

"Orange juice or apple juice?"I ask as I make my plate.

"Orange."I sit his plate down and go pour us some juice,We began to eat.

"So how big of a house do you want?"He ask.

"Just a family house I'm sure your going to want more kids in the future."I say as he smirks.

"Know me to well."He say.

"Don't forget we have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see the gender of the baby."I say as I finish my plate and began washing my dish.

"Yes babe I won't forget."He say as he hugs me from behind I feel his dick imprint, he had sweat pants on

"I know."I turn around and peck his lips.

"Now come on you ready to go?"He ask as he grabs the keys.

"Yeah."I grab his hand as we head to the car.

Akala POV.

I miss my best friend it feels like we in high school again, like when we was on winter break for two weeks lord that shit was so boring.

"Beybah."August say as he come in with Amere on the top of his neck.

"In here."I say as he come to the kitchen.

"Hey beybah."He kisses my forehead.

"Hi."I say dryly as I pick up Amere off his neck.

"Uh oh I know that voice what's wrong?"He ask as I sigh and sit Amere in her chair.

"I miss Nay."I make Amere a bottle.

"I know we gone see here in like 2 more weeks."He say.

"Yeah I know I just miss her you know she my best friend."I say.

"She's mine to but its gone be ok beybah."He kisses my forehead and began to play with Amere. I smile as she giggles and laugh.

Chris POV

Me and Jana have been out all day searching for the perfect house. We are on our last house to look at before we make our final decision.

"And right over here we have a build in pool a little shed over there and a lovely view of Manhattan."The landlord say.

"This is beautiful I can't wait to see the inside."Jana say as she squeeze my hand and look over at me smiling.

"I'm glad you love it."I grab her hand as we make our way inside the house.

"This house has 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 full and one half it has a full kitchen follow me and I can show you the rooms."The landlord say as we make our way upstairs.

"This is the master bedroom."She say opening the door.

"Oh my god this is beautiful."Jana say in awed.

I smile as she goes to the patio.

"Look at this view."She smiles and looks at me with pleading eyes.

"We'll take it."I say as the landlord nod.

"Yayyyyy."Jana jumps in my arms.

I laugh and kiss her baby bump it gets bigger every day.

She giggles.

House in the M/M

Finally updated guys new chapter coming soon Follow me on Instagram @obey.nay

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