Chapter 12

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Chris POV.

I immediately took the first flight home. I called Akala and August and asked them have they talked to Jana but they said no. I got home and the door was unlocked, Jana robe was on the floor. I ran upstairs and she was there but she had a bruised eye and a swollen lip,I shook her so she could wake up.

"Ow."She say as she put her hand on her head.

"Sh sh sh what happen?"I ask.

She looked like she was thinking about what happen then she started crying.

"Shhh."I say as I hug her.

"I might be pregnant."She sniffs as I immediately got angry and pulled away.

"What you mean? did he rape you?"I ask.

"He had his sperm get inside me by the doctor."She cries.

"Shh I'm going to make sure Travis get his ok."I say as I kiss her forehead.

"No I don't want you to do anything stupid."She say as I sigh.

"Just get some sleep I'm going to clean up and talk to the police."I say as I kiss her forehead and go downstairs.

Travis POV.

I already turned myself in to the police now that I finished what I had to do I just wanted Jana to have my baby.

POV over.

Chris pov

I cleaned up the house and was about to call the police but the mother fucking news was on it said they got Travis he so fucking lucky because I swear I was gone kill em.

I sigh and turn the TV off.

"Do they got him?"Jana ask as I jump a little.

"Uh you are supposed to be sleep."I say as I put the trash away.

"I wasn't that tired."She say.

"Ok."I say as I walk closer to her.

She looks down.

"I don't want it."She say.

"Want what?"I ask.

"If I'm pregnant I don't want it I want a abortion."She say as I damn near choke.

"No."I say.

She starts crying.

"I CAN'T HAVE HIS BABY I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM."She yells as she starts crying.

"Shh's gone be ok we are going to raise this baby if your pregnant."I say as I kiss her forehead.

She just nods.

"It's gone be ok."I say.

She shakes her head.

"What about school? How will my dad feel about all this? Then August this to much."She say.

"Listen don't worry about that right now its me and you against the world I promise."I say as I peck her lips.

"Me and you against."She say.

"Everybody."I pick her up and take her to the bed room.

"Let's go to sleep."I say as I lay her down.

"We can go to the doctor tomorrow."I say as I lay besides her.

"I love you."She say.

"I love you to."I say.

A lil update but I'm going to sleep so good night loves.

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