Chapter 18

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Jana POV.

Last night was wow but I have to get up so I won't be late for my doctors appointment.

"Where you going?"Chris ask as I try to slide from under his grip.

"To take a shower so I can go to my appointment."I get up.

"I'm coming to."He gets up.

"Ight."I go to the bathroom.

"That ass."He follows.

I giggle and turn the shower on, I didn't get in yet I wanted to let the water get hot.

"I love you Chris."I look at him through the mirror.

"I love you more you ok?"I nod.

"Yeah I'm fine."He looks at me like I was lying.

"What's wrong?"He ask.

"You remember you asked what's my biggest fear?"He nods.

"My biggest fear is losing my family,my friends and most importantly......You I don't wanna lose you again."I tear up a little bit.

"Hey I'm not going no where I'm here forever."He hugs me.

"Ok."I get in the shower as he follows.

We wash up and head to the hospital.

At the appointment.

"Ok Ms.Dawson please lay on the table and lift your shirt up."I lay on the table and lift my shirt up.

"Have you been feeling any pain?"He ask.

"No."He puts some jelly on my stomach I shake a little.

"Sorry it's pretty cold."He rubs the ultrasound tube around my stomach.

"Congratulations your only having one child."I let out a breathe of relieve.

"Thank god."Chris smiles as I giggle.

"You won't be able to know the gender of the baby till your 2 months."I nod and wipe the jelly off my stomach.

"OK thanks doc."He leaves.

"Babe."Chris says.

"Yes."I put my coat on.

"Don't you think its time to uh tell your dad and akala about the baby?"He ask.

"I will tell them at graduation uh its like a couple more weeks anyway so that will be a good time."I grab my purse.

"Good."He kisses my cheek and grabs my hand.

"Let's go."We leave.

I know I haven't updated in a long time y'all probably forgot what the story was about I'm sorry but I'm on Christmas break so I will be updating more.

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