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Julia and Kaitlyn showed me to Gryffindor tower that first night. I had become quite fond of them. I went to class with them, ate every meal with them and I stayed up late with them. I spent every minute of my time with them and a girl named Adara Alcott. Adara was a sweet, loving girl who soon became one of my great friends. I still found time to spend with James thought it was very little. He seemed to get in more trouble that I did these days. Though it was quite funny when he put two and two together and realized that my last name was Evans. He only just realized it today, four weeks into the school year.


"Wait, Eliza. You are telling me for the first time, that you are the twin sister of Lily!" He said loudly with exasperation. I shushed him through giggles and nodded my head. I thought this was quite funny because he had been in love with my sister for ever and Lily won't give him a chance. I will have to figure something out.

"Yes now shush before we get kicked out of the library!" I said and looked around for Madam Pince. I had only been here for a month and I was already on her bad side because I sneezed. Loudly. Apparently you aren't allowed to sneeze in the library. Well, my bad but I can't help it, I sneeze when I have to sneeze. No holding back. Apparently James though, didn't care if we got kicked out, he just got louder.

"Lily is your twin sister!" He exclaimed. "I've lived across from you for how many years and you've never told me that you had a sister, let alone, a twin sister!" He yelled. James was actually quite funny when he got angry, but I'm surprised he didn't figure out that I had any siblings. I mean I spent everyday of my childhood with him. 

"Actually James, I've got two sisters. One is a Muggle and the other is Lily." I said and that got James even angrier but I knew he wasn't mad, angry, just pissed off a slight bit. I laughed so loud that the librarian swooped in and yelled at us. I grabbed my bag and ran straight out of the library, James hot on my heels, and I mean literally. I was wearing five and a half inch, red heels. I managed to not break my heels and we made it out of that corridor. Actually we ran totally out of the castle itself. After I realized that we were out of the castle I slowed down and started to walk. James came up beside me and he started ranting again. I didn't hear much of it though because I was two busy staring at the Quidditch Pitch. We had had a Quidditch Pitch at Durmstrang but It was no where near as big as this one. 

"Oh my gosh! Look at this Quidditch Pitch!" I say and grab James arm. I run towards the center on the arena. James looks at me, puzzled.

"Eliza, you fly?" He asked, startled. I guess I never told him that I loved to fly.

"Of course! I wind through you hair, the view of mountains or valleys and the adrenaline. Who wouldn't love it." I say and twirl around with my arms out. It was the best thing that ever happened to me when I went to Bulgaria. It was the only thing that kept me sane, flying. 

Before I went to Durmstrang I had loved to prank people. One day the summer I got my letter, I decided to play this prank on an old muggle veteran. He had gone to war when he was younger and had survived. I didn't realized that he was paranoid about things that came out of now where so, I decided to put a jack in the box outside his door and ring the door bell. I hid in a bush and waited for him to jump. Oh he jumped alright and he also grabbed his gun and started to shoot. One bullet grazed my shoulder and another hit a gas lamp that he had lit in his home. It exploded and I had to  call 911. He almost died but recovered after two weeks of surgeries at a muggle hospital close by. So when Professor Dumbledore came to my house and told Lily and myself that we were magical, my parents told him that I was to be sent somewhere far, far away where I could be more disciplined. I was devastated that I had to be sent off the middle of know where out in god knows where and never see James again. But after four years at Durmstrang, here I am.

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