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The summer passed quickly and too soon August was upon us. August also meant our school lists were being delivered as well as our OWL test results and it was time to go to Diagon Alley. It was a sunny, Saturday morning when indeed two owls flew into our open window. Both plopped down beside me and stuck out their legs. I untied the letters and called Lily down to fetch hers. Without waiting, I unstuck the wax seal and took out the school letter. It was the same as last year, telling us the date and time the train left, along with the train ticket. It also had a list of books to get for every subject, whether or not you were taking it. We were suppose to choose what we were taking according to our marks and get the books according to those subjects. I guess the other letter was our OWL marks.

"LILY!" I called again. She still hadn't come down.

"Coming!" She called from the top of the stairs and I could hear footsteps run down the stairs as Lily came into view. I gave her both letters and opened my marks.

OWL Examination Marks

Transfiguration - O

Charms - E

Defense Against The Dark Arts - E

Herbology - A

Ancient Runes - O

Potions - E

Care of Magical Creatures - E

Astronomy - E

History Of Magic - A

Overall I did a really well and I was proud of myself. I'm sure Lily did amazing but I will never know because she never let me see them. I'm sure she was beating herself up over one Exceeds Expectations that lowered her average of all Outstandings. You know, just the regular things Lily Evans worried about.

"Hey do you know if Marlene and the other girls got their letters today?" I asked Lily as I looked through the book list.

"No clue. I'll send an owl to Marlene later on, but have you seen this list? It says we need a dress." She tells me in confusion. I saw that too.

"I wonder why. Well, I guess we'll find out at the opening feast. Owl the girls. I know Julia and Kaitlyn are away on vacation, they told me so when they came by last week, but the other girls should be here. We should all go to Diagon Alley together." I state and Lily agrees.


Our owls came back with a positive response and we all agreed to meet on Tuesday in front of the Leaky Cauldron at 11:00 in the morning. I got up extra early to take a shower and change. I had checked the weather yesterday and thankfully it was going to be a clear sunny day. I put on some shorts and a button up t-shirt with roses on it. I brought a pair of wedges, a red handbag and my black hat downstairs and put them on the bench in the foyer before making myself some breakfast. 


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