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"Wait a minute, students!" Professor McGonagall called out as we all started to get ready to leave Transfiguration. We all stopped packing and sat down again.

"This year, we have decided to reintroduce the thought of a pantomime, one of the stories from the Tales of Beetle the Bard. Everyone fifth year and older is allow allowed to audition for a part." McGonagall finished. Immediately everyone from an all wizarding family started talking excitedly. There were only a few people who didn't know what McGonagall was talking about. I remember reading it when I was in Year One at Durmstrang but I haven't picked it up since.

"Professor McGonagall?" I muggleborn in Hufflepuff put her hand up.

"Yes, Miss. Jones?"

"What is the Tales of Beetle the Bard?" She asked. I'm actually surprised that some people still don't know what that book is. I mean you've at least been in the wizarding world for five years.

"The Tales of Beetle the Bard, is a compilation of stories meant for children. They are in simpler words, bedtime stories." She explained. "Now, a dear friends of Professor Dumbledore's is coming from The Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts to help with auditions and he will also be directing the play. Professor Herbert Beery use to teach Herbology here before he moved, so I would like to see my students be respectful when he arrives."

"Professor McGonagall?" I ask.

"Yes, Miss. Evans?"

"You haven't told us which play we're doing."  I tell her and she smiles.

"I will let Professor Beery tell you that."


"Alright! Everyone on their brooms! I want to get in a scrimmage before practice ends." James calls out after teaching us some new techniques. We're at out Quidditch practice, the last one before our game against Slytherin on the weekend.

When we get up in the air, James releases the Bludgers and the Quaffle Then he gets in the air and takes his wand and lefts the Snitch go. I catch the Quaffle before it drops and speed to the goal posts. I hear the quiet whistling of the Bludger whizzing in the air and before it can reach me, I swerve and throw the Quaffle through the hoops.

James had caught the Snitch in ten minutes and our practice game had ended. We all flew to the ground and waited for James' next instructions. But our practice had ended.

Once I was changed and showered I met Lily in the Common room so we could go to dinner together.

"So Lily," I say as we enter the Great Hall and take our seats at the Gryffindor table.

"Hmm?" She replies as she helps herself to a piece of chicken and some potatoes.

"Are you going to audition of the play?" I ask. Also helping myself to some potatoes and some roast beef.

"I don't know, I guess it depends on the play. What about yourself?" She asks me and then places a potato in her mouth.

"Probably. I mean as long as its not The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. I don't like that story." I say and start to cut my roast beef. I feel like it's been quite a while since my sister and I have really talked. I mean between Quidditch, the Sisterhood and all my homework, I never really have time. And that's not a good thing.

"True." She concluded and then that was the end of out talk. So much for sister bonding.


"Good afternoon children!" Professor Beery called out cheerfully from the stage set up in the Great Hall. He was a larger man in bright blue robes. His short brown hair was curled slightly in the front and his blue eyes sparkled with excitement.

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