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"Ow, ow, ow." I mutter to myself as I got up from my bed. The last Quidditch practice we had I got hit with the Bludger. The new beater on the team was the best at the tryouts but he sometimes is a bit clumsy. He hit the Bludger at my side when he was trying to aim at the Quaffle under my arm.

It was still pretty early in the morning so I decided to take a shower, in hopes that it would looses up my muscles. Once I had relaxed and washed up I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and quickly dressed in the usual school uniform, black skirt, white top and my robes.

"Hmm. What's this?" I ask myself. I was just about to pick up my earrings to put in my ears when I saw this letter. It was addressed to me, written in big fancy letters. 

"Hey, Kaitlyn?" I called, not looking away from the sealed letter. The seal stamped into the cooled wax wasn't like anything I had ever seen. The symbols were almost like something close to Greek but they weren't at the same time. There were three. The first was a vertical zig zagged line, four parts, with a opposite line going through the top and bottom parts of the zig zag. If anyone actually understood that, I applaud you. The second symbol was a diagonal 'I' with two vertical lines instead of one and I couldn't even describe the last symbol. The top started like a musical quarter note, one of the fancy ones, but it didn't have the circle on the end, instead a diagonal line going the opposite direction replaced it, and the bottom looked like a hook. 

"Whats up?" Kaitlyn asked me as she looks over my shoulder at the letter

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"Whats up?" Kaitlyn asked me as she looks over my shoulder at the letter. "What's that?" She asks me, showing no recognition that she knew what it was. 

"Never mind. I was going to ask if you knew what this seal was but you obviously don't know."

"Oh, yeah, I don't, sorry, but open it. I want to see what it is." She apologized and I unstuck the wax from the back of the letter, pulling out the other piece of parchment.  The message was very vague and actually unsettling.  

We know what you are. If you want answers meet us at 22:30 across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.

Then I burst out laughing. 

"Why are you laughing?! Someone is practically stalking you!" Kaitlyn freaked out. Her reaction just made me laugh even more.

"Are you crazy?! What is your problem! This is serious!" 

"Calm down. Its probably just someone playing a prank on me. But thank you for caring Kait. Honestly though, that was hilarious!" I say wiping tears from my eyes. Kaitlyn's face was priceless, "And, you know what, it probably was Sirius."

"You've got to be kidding me. Not again with the jokes. I was actually concerned. Obviously you weren't." Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. I put in my earrings and we left for breakfast. 

"Oi, Black!" I exclaimed when we walked towards the Gryffindor table. He turned around to see who called his name. I started laughing when I saw a piece of egg hanging out of his mouth. He glared at me and finished his bite.

"What do you want Evans?" He said going back to his plate. I took a seat across from him, beside James.

"I just wanted to know why you put a letter in my room. If that's your way of expressing your love to me, your doing it all wrong. I mean come on mate, that was quite creepy."

He choked on his egg this time. Then he flushed slightly. Odd. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't send you any letter." He stuttered through his words. What is wrong with him today.

"Yeah, right. Who else would send me that." I scoff. He is totally lying. Right? A small part of me is starting to believe him. But then again. Who ever listens to the logical part of their brain.

"I swear. Besides why would I write you a letter? Its not like were friends or anything." He said and went back to his breakfast. Ouch. Well now I'm embarrassed. I should have listened to that one voice telling me I was wrong then I wouldn't have had to go through this humiliation. 


Through out the day my mind kept going back to the letter. If Sirius didn't write it then who did? It better not be a creepy stalker because I've had enough of those in my life. Last year when I was in Durmstrang, there was this one guy in fifth year who would send me letters. At first it was okay, kind of sweet, he gave me chocolates and called me pretty. But then it became very scary very fast. It turned out that he would come and watch me from windows and sneak into my room to watch me sleep. 

It was currently 22:00. Most of the girls had gone asleep by now, as it was school tomorrow, so I slipped quietly out of my bed and put my cloak on over my leggings and long sleeve black shirt. I slipped on my trainers before I grabbed my wand and pulled my hood up, to conceal my face.

 I had reached the portrait hole before noticing someone in the common room.

"Where are you going?" A voice that I know so well asks from the couch. I silently groan and roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here, Black?" I turn around and take my hood off. 

"I'm sleeping."

"I can see that. Now can you do that in your room? I need to be somewhere." I say and point to the stairs leading up to his dormitory. 

"You're not allowed to be out at this time. So I suggest you go up to your dorm too." He says in a mocking tone and gets up from the couch.  I take a look at the clock, 22:14, it reads. I really need to get going now. What should I do? Stun him? Wipe his memory? Knock him out? I would really like to do that right now but I know its not the right decision. 

"You know what? How about you forget that you saw me and I'll bring you something from the kitchens when I get back." I can tell that he's considering my offer and a minute passes before he agrees. 

"Thanks!" I say excitedly and hug him before running out the door. He stands in his spot, shocked until he yells out,

"It better be something good!" 

I giggle quietly before becoming quiet, so I don't wake any of the portraits and paintings on the walls. It takes about seven minutes to run up to the floor that the Barnabas the Barmy tapestry is hung and when I get there, I'm very out of breath. 

But now what? Obviously there was no one here so does that mean that this truly was a joke? Was I so stupid to think that there actually was something special about me? I guess I really just wanted to believe that somehow I was different from the average person, that I was maybe even peculiar. 'I'll wait till 22:35 then I'll leave.' I promise myself as I take a seat on the floor. 





I start back towards the common room, embarrassment deep in my chest.

Then I hear someone come up behind me. I don't even have time to turn around before the person grabs my shoulders. I let out a single ear splitting shriek before someone else puts there hand over my mouth. I hear a vast door opening behind me but I cannot see it. There's something covering my eyes. The last thing I see is a cloak and those three  symbols.



Happy New Year Everyone! I hope 2017 is a good year, and my resolutions are to focus on writing more, and organize my house. What are yours?

Hope you all love this chapter, I've worked hard on it, through writer's block among other things, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Vote, comment, enjoy!


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