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Okay, so we have reached almost NINETY SIX THOUSAND READS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I am so thankful for each any every person who had read this book and being patient with my irregular updating. I know that recently the reads have been dwindling as this book hits it's like fourth year on Wattpad, but I am forever grateful for everyone who takes time out of their day to indulge in my fanfiction. You guys are the best and I wouldn't be continuing without you. 

Im not as happy with this chapter as I would like but knowing me, once I finish this book (if that ever happens lol) I'll be editing and rewriting a ton and I already know some ideas that would be great. Anyways, enjoy! <3


"Calm down."

"Be quiet Sirius."

"Stop bouncing."

"I'm too nervous."

"Do you need me to kiss you again? You could have just asked instead of putting on a show of being nervous." At this I turn to look at him as if he's crazy. He started leaning in, puckering up his lips. 

"Are you serious?" I ask him as I push him face away, although my breath did hitch in my throat at the thought of it. What was wrong with me. He pulled away, feigning shock.

"Oh no, your nervousness has produced acute amnesia. You had to ask who I was! Or am I just not that memorable?" He joked. I shook my head at him. 

"Trust me, you are far from unmemorable." That seemed to make him happy. A few people passed us, wishing me good luck and patting me on the back. I gave them a smile to keep up appearances but in reality I was freaking out. My episode from last week had taken the worst of it but I was still terrified to go through with this. All I had to calm myself was that after this last task I would be done, no longer held under contract to compete, and maybe a thousand galleons richer. At times I had doubted myself but others, I felt like I could actually pull through a win.  

"Come on, lets get you down there or else they're going to start without you." Sirius said and started to pull me down towards the starting ring. The layout for this task was confusing. We were starting close to Hogsmead and then we were going to have to go through a series of tasks to reach the finish line. All the information we were given a few weeks ago was that it was going to be different types of terrain and that we should prepare for any kind of situation, which meant that I had to cram in a whole lot of spells and knowledge, I felt the pressure of acting like a Ravenclaw. 

"That would be nice, then I wouldn't have to compete." I joked with him and he gave a half laugh. I guess I wasn't was funny as I thought I was being. We caught a carriage just as it was pulling out and had to sit with a bunch of french girls. They all gave me a cold shoulder, which I accepted gracefully, considering that I was competing against their school, but they fawned over Sirius, I guess he was pretty good looking. He didn't pay much attention to them other than an occasional smile, which seemed off for him. Maybe he was nervous for me, that was a nice thought. 

"Good luck." One of the french girls said quietly, almost grudgingly when the carriage stopped and we all got out. I thanked her, which I'm sure she didn't hear because she was too far away. When we got to the crowd, I quickly found the rest of out friends and stood with them enough for a few quick hugs and words of wisdom before starting out towards the starting line. Professor McGonagall was waiting for me at my spot when I arrived.

"Alright, Miss Evans? Feeling prepared for today? I'm rooting for you to kick some bloody arse!" She asked me enthusiastically, and I gave a small laugh. I never would have thought that McGonagall would ever utter the words, kick some bloody arse, but then again, she did seem pretty pumped up for this. I think she wanted me to win even more than I did myself. 

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