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I could feel my breath warm against the hand pressed to my mouth. There was a blindfold around my eyes, obscuring my vision but I wouldn't have been able to see anything anyways, it was pitch black. As we moved, I could just see a faint warm glow coming closer with every stumbling step we took.

Then I heard something that made me breathe a little.

"Kaitlyn! You didn't have to blindfold her for merlin's sake! She's not a hostage." I recognized that voice, from somewhere but I couldn't pin point it. But I knew damn well who she was talking to.

"Mills! You're suppose to use our code names. Now she knows who we are!" Kaitlyn says in a staged whisper. She then removes the ropes bound around my wrists. I rip my blindfold off and take a look around the room. Its like nothing I've ever seen, pitch black, except for a single ring of candles. There were about thirty girls sitting in a circle within the ring of candles, all which were starring at me.

"Bryne, those names are ridiculous, you expect me to call you Bubbles?" I now know who Kaitlyn was talking too, Katherine Mills. She was a seventh year Ravenclaw on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. We versed them last week, we won of course.

"What the bloody hell is going on!?" I interrupt Kaitlyn and Katherine as they continue to banter back and forth. By now you can probably tell that I'm pretty confused as to what this little group is up to.

"Oh, sorry bout that Liza," Kaitlyn paused for a minute, as if to give some tension to built up a big reveal, like there wasn't enough of that in the room already. "Welcome to the Sisterhood!"

No one clapped or cheered. It was like being here was a burden, something no one wanted to do, or to have. I still wasn't sure what this was or what they did. I think everyone was waiting for me to say something or do something spectacular. But I wasn't spectacular in any way. I could barely stay awake in class, getting Acceptables, which was not anything compared to my sister. If this was some kind of club that was for awarding the intelligent students, they got the wrong twin.

"Care to explain?"

"Oh right! Sorry! Okay, so you know—" But Kaitlyn got cut short by Mills.

"Leave that to her leader, Bryne." Katherine interrupted and then looked to her right. Sitting next to her was Lindsey Wells, a seventh year Gryffindor.  Those two girls obviously held authority above everyone else. I was still very confused as to why I was here and these girls weren't helping me much.

"Eliza Evans," Lindsey started, I rolled my eyes. "While you were at Durmstrang school of magic, you learned wandless magic, is this correct?"

"Yeah. Third year. Why does this matter anyways?" I say bored. I'm too tired for this little joke that Kaitlyn and Julia are playing on me. I turn around about to find a door. 

"It matters because that's why were here. You're single existence is what we learn about. Eliza Evans, you are different. You are special. And we need you."


"So why do they burn red?"  

Here I am, a day later, still trying to understand what just happened. I still couldn't believe that all along I was capable of such a powerful thing.

"Well, for us, it meant the beginning. But now that I come to think of it. It might be only when you get accepted into the Sisterhood." Julia explained. 

"Because if you've never experienced that before then it must be. I mean that's the only possible solution." Kaitlyn buts in. I nod. I have so many questions. Like why me? I'm a muggleborn! How was it that only a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw could be accepted? 

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