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classes were cancelled for me today due to SNOW in APRIL. what the heck, mother nature.


I went to bed feeling euphoric and woke up feeling less than anything like that. I'm pretty sure it was the worst headache I had ever felt. I couldn't even remember last night very well. I remembered going to the ball and dancing with Sirius and James and sharing a bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhisky but that was about it. I think we might have gone for a stroll on the gardens but after that, I was drawing a blank. 

"Does someone have anything for this bloody headache of mine?" I called out from the warm wrappings of my bed. I heard the curtains from my four poster bed open and someone laughed.

"Someone had a rough night." Marlene said I peeked one eye open just a sliver. The sunlight that streamed through the window beside my bed was excruciating. I groaned and put my face back into the pillow. 

"Here, water." Lily said and I stuck out my hand. I felt the cool glass and wrapped my fingers around it. My head popped out of the covers and I took a small sip. 

"Thanks." I said once I had fully risen from my bed. 

"So, how was last night with Sirius?" Marlene asked me. I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to make sure that I had made a responsible choice. I rubbed the sleep off of my tired face.

"It was fun. I actually don't rememeber that much, to be honest with you lot. But nothing happened, if that's what you're asking, Marlene." I told her with a knowing look.

"How much did you have to drink!" Adara exclaimed as she listened in from her own bed. I gave her a small smile.

"James and Sirius are extremely bad influences."  I muttered and everyone around me laughed. 

"That's for sure." I heard Lily mutter under her breath. I closed my eyes, trying to get the headache to dim.

"You okay?" Adara asked me. I shook my head.

"No. I think i'm going to go see Madam Pomfrey, see if she can get me something for this headache. Pass me my dressing gown, will you?" I replied and sat up while Adara fetched my robe. When I got it, I put my arms through the holes and tied it in the front. Then, I slipped on my house shoes and got up. Unfortunately I wasn't quite balanced because I stumbled a bit.

"Are you sure you want to go out like that?" Lily questioned me. I walked to the dorm's door.

"I'm too lazy to change, besides, who cares what I look like?" I told them and they giggled. I gave them a smile and walked down the stairs, holding my head as if that had any effect. When I got down to the bottom, I spotted Sirius and James sitting on the couch, looking a bit dejected. I decided to make a pit stop.

"Morning boys, have fun last night?" I inquired to them. I leaned on the top of the couch where my elbows were propped up in between the boy's heads. They both groaned simultaneously.

"Why are you talking so loud." James groaned again. I laughed quietly.

"Morning, Trouble." Sirius mumbled with his eyes closed.

"Drink some water, boys." I told them and ruffled their hair before walking away to go get my potion. 

"Is she still wearing her dressing gown?" I heard Sirius mutter to James as I walked away.

"Don't question her mate. By the way, how did last night go?" James sighed. I smiled to my self and exited out of the portrait hole. It only took me ten minutes to reach the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey was tending to some of her patients. She didn't question me about it but I bet she was assuming what it was about. After the potion, she told me to sit down for a few minutes to make sure it worked. I ended up falling a sleep for an hour or so and someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes to see a pair of hazel  and grey ones staring back at me. 

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