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Sleep last night wasn't the greatest. The black hair was different and I kept looking at it. By the time I had actually fallen asleep it was already 2am and tomorrow was school. I had to get up at 7am if I was going to get anything done in the morning. As I drifted off to sleep I thought about what Black's hair would look like in the morning. That's if he would be so stupid and take a shower using his own shampoo, after I had been up there in his dorm.


Someone was shaking me awake. I stirred a little before rubbing my eyes and opening them. It was Adara. She seemed to be giggling to herself about something.

"What?" I said grumpily as I sat up in my bed. My hair, which was still black, was all tangled up in a mess. Then I heard what Adara must have been laughing about.

"EVANS! I SWEAR YOU BETTER COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" A very aggravated voice yelled from somewhere downstairs. I grumbled and slowly pushed myself off the bed. I rubbed my eyes to get some of the sleep out of them as I stood on the stairs.

"What do you want?" I grumbled and yawned as I looked up. Then I saw Black's  hair and burst out laughing. Oh, I did good changing my colour decision. His hair was bright, neon pink and he was seething about it.

"Oh my god! I can't believe that you were so daft as to use your own shampoo after I was up in your dorm!" I giggled and he glared at me. Obviously he didn't like being being called stupid.

"Well, how was I suppose to know that?!" He exclaimed and I giggled again. Then I walked away to get dressed. I realized that I wouldn't be able to dress the way I normally did because I always made sure my clothes complimented my hair. Now I had a totally different colour and no experience with it. When I got back into my dorm I realized it was already 8am and mostly everyone was already at breakfast. Fortunately Alice and Kaitlyn, who both had black hair, were still in the dorm.

"Guys, I don't know what to wear. What would you wear with your hair?" I asked as I opened my wardrobe. They both came over and sorted through my clothes.

"Here, just wear what you would normally wear. Black skirt, this one, and a white top, like this." Alice said and pulled out a skirt and a white tank top.

"Yeah, then put your robes over top and wear these." Kaitlyn handed me my Gryffindor robes and a pair of red, suede heels.

"Thanks, guys

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"Thanks, guys. Really." I say and get dressed after in finished I brush my hair and leave it pin straight. I grab my black bag and rush out the door. I only have time for an apple before I rush to my first class, Care Of Magical Creatures. Professor Kettleburn had just started a talk about unicorns when I had arrived. I sneaked in quietly and stood beside Julia as I finished my apple. Every time I took a bite I would cringe because it would make a big noise. Julia was laughing at me.

"I want a roll of parchment on the attributes of a unicorn by Monday. Thank you, that's all for today." The Professor said as the class ended. We followed the crowd back up to the castle. Everyone was laughing at Black with his pink hair. I was laughing too.

"I love your hair, Black!" Someone called as we walked to our next class.

"Thank you! You can thank Evans for this one!" He called back to the guy who had made fun of him. They looked a round and when they saw me I winked.

"I was my pleasure Black!" I answered. Then everyone burst out laughing.


At lunch James ran up to me and told me that he was holding the Gryffindor Quidditch team tryouts later on today. I was so ready for this. We finished lunch then went to the rest of our classes before my friends and I went down to the Quidditch pitch. They were going to watch the tryouts. I had put on leggings so it would be easier to maneuver around on my broomstick. When I got the middle of the pitch everyone was waiting for James to start.

"Okay, welcome to the Gryffindor Tryouts everyone. We are going to try for positions for chaser, beater and seeker. We have a Keeper so if you wanted that position, I'm sorry but your out of luck. Please separate yourself into three groups, Chasers here, Beaters other there and Seekers to the right of the Beaters." He said and everyone moved to their correct places. A couple people left the pitch entirely.

"Okay, good. We're going to start with the Chasers. We need two new ones." He said and looked at the group of Chasers, "What you have to do is, you have ten shots. The people who get the most in get the postions. Also, our Beater, Sirius will be trying to get the Quaffle from you with the Bludgers. Okay, everyone got that?" He said and we all nodded. He pointed at a random person and they started.

The Gryffindor Keeper, Jet, is an extremely good player. I wouldn't be surprised if he made it to the big leagues. I don't know if the first person was nervous or something, but they didn't get one shot passed him. There were about nine people trying for the Chaser position and we all lined up waiting for out turn. Naturally I wanted to stand beside James, so I would have to go last. I hated last. The most anyone had gotten passed he Keeper was five. My goal was six at least. Finally after what seemed an hour, it was my turn. I jumped on my broom and flew up to were the last guys had been. He tossed he the Quaffle and I was off.

The first shot, I took it safe, faking right and shooting left. The Keeper saw that coming and saved it. He tossed it back to me with a smirk. I smiled sweetly at him. The whole point of that was to find his weakness and I got it. He was left handed and he always flew a little to the left. My best bet was to shoot on the right hoop or the middle one on the right side. After I had figured that out, I got the next three shots in.

My hand were starting to get really raw by the sixth shot. I had gotten four in already when I realized I had forgotten my gloves on the ground. I rubbed them together as Mason dived to get the last shot that I had taken. It had went in and now it was soaring down to the ground. I paused rubbing my hand and the I realized I couldn't move them anymore. It was like there was a permanent sticking charm on them. I growled.

"Are you kidding me? BLACK!" I screamed into the wind, "UN-STICK MY HANDS!" I yelled at him but he was just laughing. The Keeper tossed me the Quaffle again and I had no choice but to shoot. Black wan't going to preform the conter-charm. So I bounced the Quaffle on the tops of my hands and then threw it in the air. I did a sharp turn and hit the Quaffle with the tail of my broom. Keeper Jet, dived to the side but missed and my shot went in. This meant that I was on the team no matter what because there was only one other person who had gotten five in.

All of a sudden I heard a whoosh and I saw the Bludger coming at me. Since my hands were still stuck together, I had to rely on the muscles in my legs to move me. I flipped myself upside down until the Bludger passed then swung myself back around.

"Will you un-stick my hands now, Black?!" I yelled at him and he rolled his eyes. But he took out his wand and muttered the counter-charm. After that facade, my tryout went well. I got seven out of ten shots in, which was the best anyone had gotten. I was definitely on the team. Once I flew back down to the ground James announced the new chasers.

"THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO TRIED OUT THIS YEAR! THE NEW CHASERS ARE ELIZA EVANS AND ABIGAIL REED!" He yelled to the crowd and There was a lot of groaning and complaining from people didn't get on the team. I just squealed and ran to give James a big hug. From the impact he staggered a little but recovered and hugged me back.

After the Chaser tryouts Abigail, the other Chaser, and I stayed to watch the rest of the tryouts. At the end we got an amazing seeker and an okay beater. Much to my dismay, Black was actually a really good player. Later, when the tryouts were done I walked back up to the castle with James and Black. It kind of felt like déjà vu. Like when Sirius was actually nice to me.

"Hey, Black, Your hair's going to look so good with your Quidditch robes." I say and giggle to myself as I picture it.

"Shut up."

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