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My alarm blared, too loudly, the next morning. Five thirty, October thirty first. I quickly stopped the ringing noise and got out of bed. Only Lily and Alice had woken up from the sound. The others were still in a deep sleep.

"Sorry, I must have set it by accident, go back to sleep." I told them as they rubbed their eyes. I quickly got out of bed when I was sure they had closed their eyes again. I put on a morning robe and tip toed down the stairs with a pair of slipper shoes in my hand. In the pocket of my robe was a small piece of parchment, and clearly written upon was the words, Eliza Evans, Hogwarts School. I had made up my mind half way through the night. I was going to do it. Besides, there was a one in a million chance that I'd actually get chosen so for what it's worth, if there was no risk, there was no reward.

When I reach the entrance to the Great Hall, I am relieved to see that it's empty. The only thing in it was the wooden cup full of white blue flames flickering in the dim morning light. As small as the Goblet of Fire was, it was as intimidating as ever. I stuck my hand in my pocket and withdrew the slip of parchment. I gingerly took it in my hands, staring at it before I dropped it into the fire. It was done, like it or not, I was entered into this competition and if I was selected, there was no backing out.

With that thought running through my head I walked back up to the common room and got an hours worth of sleep before Lily woke me up for class. I got dressed in silence and walked down the stairs with Adara. Lots of people were already milling around waiting for people to put their names in. I saw a few Hufflepuff seventh years, a fourth year Gryffindor boy and two Ravenclaw girls from the year below me. Some of the Durmstrang students had filled in and one by one they dropped their ballots into the fire. I caught Kosta's eye as he dropped his paper in and he winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

When we sat down at the Gryffindor table I grabbed a piece of toast and brought out my charms book. We had it first thing this morning and I hadn't finished my homework yet. With all the excitement I had totally forgot to write the ending on my essay about non-verbal spells. They weren't that hard once you got a hang of them but writing theory on them was. I hastily scribbled a conclusion, just summarizing what I had said earlier so I could eat a proper breakfast.

"Just did it." James said proudly as he took a seat beside me and helped himself to some sausages.

"As did I. Gives you quite a rush doesn't it." Sirius added, sitting across from me, taking some of the scrambled eggs.

"Did what." I asked not looking up from the parchment I was editing, "Oh and set some of those eggs on my plate please, Black."

"Why, entered the tournament of course!" Black responded as he heaped a pile of eggs onto my plate.

"Oh," I acknowledged as I scratched out a sentence that I had written twice. "Thanks Sirius."

"Are you going to enter?" James asked me. I shrugged, I didn't really want anyone to know I entered. If I got in, great, if I didn't? Even better.

"Not sure. Its a real risky thing. Not sure if it's really my cup of tea."

"Oh, come on Evans. You're never one to back down from anything." Sirius said as he shoved a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. I grimaced.

"Anyways, what are you working on?" James said looking over my shoulder as he buttered a piece of toast. I had just finished and was starting to pack my quill and ink.

"Charms homework."

"You didn't do that?! Flitwick gave us that a week ago!" James laughed.

"Well I got side tracked!" I tried to defend myself as I pack everything in my bag, "Besides, when did you finish it?"

"Last night."

"Exactly." I stated and grabbed the piece of toast he had just finished buttering. He tried to protest but Adara and I were already walking towards the Charms corridor.


The next couple of hours were particularly painful to sit though. Most people were anxious to see if they would become the champion and the other people were just to excited to see who the champion was.

When, finally all our subjects were completed for the day we went up to the dormitory rooms to freshen up and wait for eight o'clock. I put my school work down beside my bed and fixed my hair before going down into the common room to wait. I was nervous, but there really wasn't a reason to be. It would be cool to be chosen as champion but I think I was more nervous that I would be chosen and not be ready for the challenges that were to come.

"Ready, Eliza?" Kaitlyn asked as she and Julia came down the stairs with five minutes to eight.

"Yeah, lets just wait for Adara." I say, jumping up from my seat. I was in no rush to be there early. We only had to wait a couple of minutes before Adara descended the stairs with Alice and Mary. It seems that Lily and Marlene were a bit behind. We all exited through the portrait hole, not bothering to wait for the other two girls, knowing that it might be ages, and started towards the Halloween Feast.

The feast was as good as it was last year, from what I remembered. There are hundreds of floating jack-o-lanterns glowing from within and as entertainment, several bewitched skeletons danced with top hats on. They didn't get nearly enough applause as they would have any other year, but I assumed it was because so many people were on edge at the thought of what was to come later on.

"I believe that the Goblet is just about ready to make its first decision!" Professor Dumbledore announced when the skeletons clattered out of the hall, some still doing an Irish jig, "I think it only needs about one more moment. During that time I shall just say a few words. When the champions are called out, I shall as them to come up to the front, by the staff table and enter the chamber to my left. There, we will give out the first instructions."

When Dumbledore finished explaining, he took out his wand and with a wave, half the candles dimmed, leaving us in partial darkness. No one talked now, we were all anxious to see who would be selected.

After what seemed to he a painful hundred years, but really was only half a minute, the Goblet's fire turned red and out shot the first name, written upon a piece of parchment. Professor Dumbledore snatched it out of the air and unfolded it before speaking.

"The champion from Beauxbatons, is Cordelia Amour!"

The hall erupted into a mass of cheers. From the Ravenclaw table, rose a tall girl with chocolate brown hair. She looked to be about seventeen, maybe even eighteen, and definitely in her last year of schooling. She shook hands with Dumbledore, Munter and her own headmistress before disappearing into the room beyond.

We only had to wait a few seconds before the Goblet of Fire make its second decision. Dumbledore caught this piece of parchment too, which was slightly singed and called out,

"The Durmstrang champion will be, Dimitar Konstantinov!" My heart sank. Dimitar had been a second year just before I had left Durmstrang. I had tutored him in charms. He was in Year Four now and had grown up quite a bit. I wish he hadn't entered because this tournament was so dangerous. I just didn't want him to get hurt.

When he too, had gone into the opposite chamber, the room became so silent that even the breathing had quieted. It took a bit longer for the Goblet to decide on who the Hogwarts champion was and I didn't even hear the name when it was called out. The cheering had reached an all time high and just about nothing could be heard over it. I clapped along with the rest of the population, though I didn't know who was chosen. I didn't know who the champion was until James clapped me on the back and gave me a hug.

"You didn't tell me you entered!" He yelled over the noise and I gave him a confused look.

"You did it, Lizzy! You're the champion!" Lily cheered as she pulled me into the standing position. Then it dawned on me, what they were talking about. I was the Hogwarts champion.

"Oh Godric."

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