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I barely slept that night. How could I have? After all that new information and knowing that I was going to get more coming? It would have been impossible for the most sane person. When the sun finally rose in the morning, I got up, anxiously slipping on clothes and went down to breakfast. I knew that Remus must be in the hospital wing, if Dumbledore knew, Madam Pomfrey did too, she would be the only one to help him heal.

Just before I was about to head to see Remus, I stopped by my dormitory to grab a few chocolate frogs. I knew that those were his favourites. I then proceeded to walk towards the Hospital Wing but was stopped before I could enter.

"What the bloody hell is up with the three of you?" I exclaimed as they exited the Hospital Wing. James, Peter and Sirius were covered in scratches and bruises. I reached up to wipe away a drop of dry blood from Sirius' face and he flinched.

"Don't worry about it." He told me, taking ahold of my wrist and bringing it down to his side. I took it out of his hold. He was still not telling me the truth. What was this boy's problem.

"You know what? I don't want to know, It just better have not been the two of you having a row in your bedroom. Did you talk to Dumbledore?" I turned to James and asked him the most important question.

"Yeah, I went first thing this morning, and Snape's promised not to tell anyone." He told me.

"Good" I said, "Excuse me." I pushed past the three and entered the Wing, closing the door behind me before any of them could speak anymore. I immediately spotted Remus as the only occupied bed, closer to Madam Pomfrey's office. I started towards him with a smile on my face.

"I heard that you have a ill-behaved rabbit." I joked as soon as Remus noticed he had another visiter. I saw him crack a smile at my feeble attempt to make his situation all the better. It was true, there was a rumour going around that Remus had a badly behaved pet rabbit as James uses the term 'furry little problem' when ever he talks to Remus about what I now know as his lycanthropy condition. I took a seat on the edge of his bed and passed him the Chocolate Frogs.

"It is to my understanding that you now understand the extent of my illness." He said as he winced into a sitting position.

"I'm sorry that I found out that way, and not by you, when you were ready." I told him. A strange look crossed him face that I couldn't quite place.

"Well, sooner or later you would have figured it out, with all the time you're spending with Sirius. Now you can start to fear me like everyone else will as soon as Snape tells the rest of the school." He said, almost harshly. I was taken aback. I didn't recognize this mind, sitting in Remus' body, speaking for him.

"Remus, why would I fear you?" I asked him softly, afraid that he would explode if I pushed him too far.

"Because I'm a monster!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, get over yourself," I scoffed at his outbreak, "And eat your chocolate frog." I threw it at him. He stayed very still, shocked at how I had reacted towards his exclamation.

"But it's true." He mumbled as he opened the package of chocolate and quickly bit off the head.

"Remus, if you're a monster then I'm a freak. I'm not exactly the quietest person, or the most sane, we've all got our woes, but they don't make up who we are as a person. You are by far the kindest, smartest, and most well-rounded person I have ever known, who cares what skeleton you keep locked away?" I ask him before whispering, "Besides, we've all got one."

"You really think so?" He asked me, "And all the scars, you're not afraid of why or how I got them?" He continues, and I take a quick look at the fresh and healed cuts around his face and arms. Sure he's got a few, but it's never been the focal point.

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