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I was frozen with shock. It seemed like it took an eternity to get up to the staff table. Dumbledore smiled down at me, his blue eyes twinkling with excitement. Headmaster Munter was happy as well. I guess in a way I was his student too. I also shook hands with the Beauxbatons headmistress, I didn't remember her name, before I walked into the chamber beside the Great Hall.

Cordelia and Dimitar were sitting in two plush chairs by the fire when I entered. They looked up when I walked in, probably wanting to size up the competition. But when Dimitar saw that it was me, he stood up and gave me a hug. We conversed in the little Bulgarian that I knew and remembered for a couple minutes until the judges came into the room.

"Congratulations to all three of you!" A short witch with dirty blonde hair called out as the judges entered the room, "My name is Eugenia Jenkins, the minister of magic here in England. I will be filling in for the fifth judge this year, because he, unfortunately, got a bad case of hiccuping syndrome." She smiled at us warmly then motioned for Harold Minchum to speak.

"Right, now, the first task will take place twenty four days from now, on November 24. We will be giving you the clue in a couple of days after we have the weighing of wands ceremony." He told us. I still hadn't gotten over the shock of being chosen and my hand were shaking. Dumbledore, probably sensing my uneasiness, place a hand on my arm.

"That is all for now, in two days time we will send someone to get you from one of your classes, for the ceremony. But for now, we shall let you get back to your sleeping quarters, I'm sure the people there will not waste a good excuse to throw a party." Dumbledore told us. We all nodded and the three of us left without another word. When we got to the front doors I said my goodbyes to the other champions and made my way to the Gryffindor Tower.

"What the bloody hell have I gotten myself into?" I whisper to myself as I stood in front of the portrait hole.

"Oh honey, who doesn't ask themselves that?"

I jump at the voice before remembering that I was in front of the Fat Lady. I smiled at her slightly embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Password?" She asked.

"Oh, right. Uh, demiguise."

She nodded and the canvas moved to reveal a party in full throttle. When I had clambered through, everyone started to cheer. People I didn't know clapped me on the back and congratulated me. I smiled as someone shoved a bottle of butterbeer into one hand and some crisps into the other. I had finally made it over to where Sirius and James were after about ten minutes weaving through the crowd.

"Do you like the party?" Sirius asked me. I put the handful of crisps on he table beside me and took a swig of my butterbeer.

"There sure are a lot of people here. Did you two do this?" I asked them. James nodded enthusiastically before bringing me into a hug. One in which I almost dropped my butterbeer on the floor.

"Congratulations Lizzy! You did it!" He yelled into my ear. I winced. Sirius, noticing my discomfort, took the butterbeer out of my hand and unwrapped James from me.

"Thanks, Black. My goodness James, you have a strong grip." I told him rubbing my arms so the blood would flow more, "Have you guys seem Lily?" I ask them.

"Right over there." Sirius pointed out.

"I think I'll come with you. I need to ask Lily a question." James told me as I heading in the direction Sirius pointed out.

"Oh, no, James. Please don't ask her out again, let her enjoy the night!"  I laugh as we approach Lily, who was encased in the group of girls I shared a dorm with.

"Eliza!" She called out when she saw us, "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" 

I smile as she brings me into a hug. Julia Kaitlyn and Adara come up and also grab me into a hug. While I am here, I mine as well have fun. I leave James with Lily and Marlene and go off to dance.

"Hey, Evans, go out with me?" 


I was ever glad when I was pulled out of History of Magic a couple days later. There are only so many times you can hear Professor Binns drone on and on about giant wars, considering we leaned about them last year too. 

I was now sitting in the room that I had first entered when I got chosen to do this competition. Dimitar and Cordelia were already here too and the rest of the headmasters. Any moment Mr. Ollivander, the crazy old man who sold me my wand, would be arriving for the weighing of wands ceremony. There were also two other people in the room. Presumably they were reporters from the Daily Prophet, judging by the large camera in the mans hand. 

"Good Afternoon!" Mr Ollivander's voice filled the room as he entered. Dumbledore stood up from his chair and strode across the room to meet him for a handshake. The other heads of schools followed suit. 

"Please to meet you. Mr. Ollivander." Professor Munter told him as Mr. Ollivander crossed the room and took his place in front of us, the three competitors.  

"You too. Now, lets get started, shall we? Miss. Amour, you first please." the wand maker said and Cordelia stood up, giving her his wand. 

"Oak, thirteen inches, made with a unicorn tail hair?"

"Yes, that is correct." She answered. Ollivander then made her wand produce a bouquet of flowers, which he gave to her with her wand.

"It is in perfect working condition. Mr. Konstantinov, would you kindly present your wand for examination?" 

Mr. Ollivander looked at Dimitar's wand for about the same time that he took for Cordelia. In the end, he enlarged the chair in front of him and brought it back to the purposeful size before stating that his wand too, was perfectly fine to use. The old wand maker then turned his kind face on me. He beckoned me forward and I gave him my gleaming wand. I had just polished it the night before, anticipating this event. 

"This one is from my own personal making. I remember the particular unicorn I got this hair from. Gorgeous mare, but very tempered. It has done you well, this wand?" He asked me as he examined my wand from tip to end. 

"Yes, I love it. Never had any problems." 

"That's very good to hear." He then, created another bouquet of flowers for me,  full of Tiger Lilies, white roses and Queen Anne's Lace. I thanked him as he gave my wand and the flowers back to me and I took my seat.   

"Before you go, Alistair and Bryony Chapman are here from the Daily Prophet to take some pictures and interview you for a short piece." Dumbledore told us as Mr. Ollivander left the room. Then the people who were in the corner stood up and greeted us warmly.  

"Alistair and Bryony Chapman, reporters for the Daily Prophet," The lady, Bryony, held out her hand to me. On her ring finger, a diamond glistened in the light.

"Nice to meet you three, now, I'd love you three to stand over there," Alistair told us and pointed to a spot by the bright window, "Lets have Mr. Konstantinov in the middle and Miss. Amour and Miss. Evans on either side of him. Thank you, just like that."

We moved into the positions that the photographers asked us too. There was a series of clicking noises and flashes as I smiled along with Cordelia and Dimitar. After they had gotten all the photographs that they would ever want, one by one, we were pulled over to a small corner and asked a series of questions. Most were about us, how we felt about the competition and if we were scared. I had to laugh a couple times, Bryony was a very charming woman and made you feel comfortable. 

"So, Eliza Evans? Is there any special someone in your life?" 

"Not at the moment, serious." 

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