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"Good Morning!" I said as I sat down at the Great Hall's breakfast. It was finally Christmas. This morning I had woken up to a bunch of wonderful presents from my family and friends. Including a really pretty bracelet that Kaitlyn and Julia had gotten me. 

"Why are you so happy?" Kaitlyn asked me. I feel as if I hadn't seen her or Julia for a really long time. 

"And why are you still wearing your pajamas?" Sirius asked me as I sat down beside him and James. I looked down at my silky pink pajamas, slippers and messy bun.

"Well, it's not like I am going to be going anywhere today so what's the point of changing

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"Well, it's not like I am going to be going anywhere today so what's the point of changing." I said and grabbed a piece of toast and the jam jar.

"What about the ball? You did remember about that right?" James asked.

"That's tonight which means I'm going to have to get ready this afternoon, and if I have to sit still for the whole day while someone helps me get ready, I'm going to need to be comfortable." I took a bite of my toast once I had finished explaining.

"Okay good because I though you were gonna back out of this thing and leave me high and dry without a date." Sirius told me and I laughed.

"Like you would be left high and dry. if I told you that I wasn't going, you'd have another date within a half hour." I said.

"Well, that's true but I wouldn't have had as much fun. I need someone who challenges me." Sirius said as I stood up, taking a sip of my drink.

"It's nice to know that I was your first option and not your last." I laughed and ruffled his hair before joining my friends. As I was walking away, I could swear that I heard him say something else, but I wasn't sure.

"You were always my first choice."

When we got back to the dorm rooms, I went to my closet and took out the garment bag that held my dress in it. I was so excited to wear it because I hadn't even seen it since the summer. I had nearly forgotten it at the start of term. 

"Alright! Time to start with hair and makeup!" Julia called out and I groaned, still too tired. It was early in the morning and we had hours to get ready. 

"It's nine in the morning." I said and plopped into my bed.

"Come on, go take a shower and then we can do your hair. and then you can do ours!" Kaitlyn said and took the comforter off of me. I got up and took a quick shower. When I had finished drying my hair, I went back out into the dorm bedroom in my robe and saw that every other Gryffindor girl was there, preparing to get ready. Lily took the bathroom after me.  

"What style do you want?" Julia asked me. I sat down in front of the vanity as Julia ran a brush though my hair, detangling it. 

"I brought this clip that matches my dress. Here, let me get it." I got up from my chair and went to go get the hair comb from my trunk. it was very pretty, silver, with little woven details in it. I brought it back to the vanity and took my seat again. Julia must have gotten an idea because she took the clip and then started to work with my hair, curling it and using pins to stick some of it up. after twenty minutes or work, she stuck the pin in and gave me a small mirror.

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