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"Stay here," I said to Sirius before hurrying after Marlene's retreating figure. When I reached the dormitory, she seemed to have calmed slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked her quietly. She held back a sob and turned away from me.

"Just leave me alone, Eliza." Her voice faltered, giving away the fact that she was still very much crying.

"No," I said determined, "I'm not going to leave until you tell me what's going on." It was obviously something to do with me, or else she wouldn't have run away. I took a seat down on my bed and waited for any kind of reaction. I had a feeling that it was going to be an explosion.

"I like him, okay?" She cried as she wheeled around to face me. Her hands trying to show what her pleading face didn't.

"Who?" The git in me didn't register what she was trying to get at.

"Sirius! I've liked him for years and then you showed up and I never got my chance because he was always with you! And now I never will!" She confessed through tears. I sat frozen, unable to utter a single word.

"I... honestly, Marlene, I didn't know. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But I don't know what to tell you." I stuttered. I couldn't just break up with Sirius, mind you, we aren't even together, but I couldn't, not for her. That would be stupid. I wish she had told me, maybe he could have taken her to the Yule Ball, or they could have gone on a date. But they had years to do that, why was she bringing it up now?

"I wouldn't expect you to. I just see you happy, and get sad thinking that if I had done something earlier, maybe that would be me." She told me, and all I could do was sit there, slightly uncomfortable. I couldn't change the events that happened, and honestly, I wouldn't if I could. I love that I'm hanging out with Sirius more, he brings out the best in me, although he used to bring out the worst.

"I'm sorry." Is really all I could say, "I'll keep displays to a minimum, yeah?" I asked her after thinking for a minute. She couldn't ask me to break up with him, but I could try to make an effort on my behalf to keep whatever Sirius and I were, more private.

"Yeah, thanks." She hiccuped out a laugh and I gave her a hug, "I'm okay, really Eliza. And I'm happy that at least one girl was able to capture his heart."

I left Marlene to freshen up and went downstairs to check on Sirius. I found him sitting on one of the couches with James and Peter. I took a seat beside Sirius, who slung his arm around me.

"Everything okay?" He asked me quietly.

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it later." I didn't want everyone to hear about what Marlene had just told me as it was merely between her and me, and well, Sirius. We turned back to the conversation at hand.

"Where have you guys been all day?" I asked James and Peter.

"Visiting Remus," Peter answered.

"You should have been with him too," I said to Sirius, "After all, you are one of his best friends, and he hates being cooped up in there." Sirius cleared his throat anxiously and looked away.

"Remus doesn't want me there, not after what I did," He told me. I had almost forgotten the event that sparked my enlightenment into Remus' condition and the rest of the boys' secrets. I placed a hand on his knee.

"He'll come around, no one got hurt after all," I explained softly before letting the topic drop. I didn't want to damper our moods further.

"You know all of our secrets now, Eliza. Consider yourself extremely lucky." James told me with a grand air. I rolled my eyes at his statement, but nonetheless, I was quite pleased with myself.

"Sirius told me a few, I still don't know what you two are though." I agreed.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you, my name is Messer Prongs, the stag, and this is Messer Wormtail, the rat." James took a bow, extending a hand for me to shake. I was a fit of giggles over his goofiness. This was James at his finest.

"Speaking of secrets, can I borrow the invisibility cloak tonight?" Sirius asked James once he had taken his seat.

"Why?" He asked.

"I need to get out of the castle, unseen," Sirius explained.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, slightly suspicious.

"Where are we going, is the question," He told me, and I became slightly, extremely excited. Was Sirius finally taking me on that date I asked for?

"Ooh! James, please, please let us take the cloak. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don't know when he's going to take me out again!" I pleaded with James. I knew that I probably looked ridiculous, but I didn't care. Hogsmeade trips only came once in a blue moon and they weren't extremely date material with all of our friends around. I just wanted one night alone, with no interruptions.

"Fine." He sighed and I leaped over to kiss his cheek.

"You're not the Evans I want that from," James said, sulking. I rolled my eyes and sat back, still with an enormous grin on my face.

"No luck with Lily?" I asked him.

"No... I have a theory that she's in denial because she can't handle being so in love with me." He said, matter-of-factly. Typical James, he hides everything with jokes.

"She'll come around, I promise. I can talk to her if you want?" I offered as I got up.

"No, it's fine, she'll come around, just like you said." He sighed as he told me this, almost like he was tired of the games they played.

"Alright," I said and turned to Sirius to give him a kiss, "Talk to Remus, okay? Apologize one hundred times if that helps, you boys need each other. I'll see you tonight."


So it's been a while... I had some requests to post whatever I had left written from a few years ago when I was at the height of this story. Unfortunately, this is the most you'll get from this particular version of the story. I'm so sorry :(

The good news though is that this book has been revamped. I've basically changed everything except key characters and the most vital events. As many of you have been quick to point out, things are not historically accurate, some things are borrowed from other famous things (stydia kiss for example) and others are just downright cringe. I will be the first to say it. However, this book has been with readers for many years and brought some people lots of joy (I know I had fun writing most of it). Because of that, this version will remain on my platform for any to read if they'd like and the new one will be posted alongside it. 

Honestly, the second version of this book might seem completely different from this one and it'll be like reading another Sirius Black fanfic (we all know you can never have too many lol). 

Stay tuned for version 2.0! It's called Sunshine Silhouettes. The story does not end here.

Rebecca <3

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