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~James' P.O.V.~

Sirius was back talking to Eliza when we were walking back up the castle. It was really starting to annoy me. My two best friends were complete enemies but I just hope that they call it quits soon. Sirius was just talking about Eliza's cut on her face when I realized it was still there. All of a sudden Eliza swayed in her spot and tipped over. Sirius and I dropped everything we had and ran forward. Good thing she had hit the grass and not the stone that we had come up to. When we had gotten to her I saw that the cut that was on her face from before was super deep. It ran from the top of her cheek bone to just above her lip. She must of past out from the blood loss. Sirius reached down and picked her up bridle style. I gave his a quire look.

"What? We both know that I am stronger that you are. Go grab our stuff." He said with a shrug and walked up to the castle with her dangling from his arms. That would almost look romantic if Eliza wasn't dangling from his arms, looking dead.


~Eliza's P.O.V.~

When I woke up the first time someone was carrying me. My cheek was still aching like mad and it was also still bleeding a fair bit. I opened my eyes to see that none other than Sirius Black was carrying me. I mean, the pouring pumpkin juice, pants on the ground Sirius Black.

"Ow." I say as I try to hold my hand to my cheek to stop the bleeding. Black looks down at me and takes my hand away from my cut. Why is he doing this for me. We swore enemies when I flung that piece of mash potatoes in his face that first night. It doesn't make any sense. Black then wiped the fresh blood that had escaped from my cut.

"Why are you doing this for me?" I whisper as I try to lift my head up. I was dangling from his arms right now.

"Because, why would I want you to get seriously injured." He said as he climbed up a flight of stairs. I giggled. He looked down at me with a questioned look.

"You said siriusly." I said with a few more giggles. He shook his head and rolled his eyes with a smile. After that I fell unconscious again.


The second time I woke up was when I was lying in the hospital wing. James and Lily were sitting by my bed side. Surprisingly Lily was sitting next to James. It was a start to a wonderful relationship. I had to find a way for them to get together even if it means showing Lily what she's missing. When they saw that I was awake Lily rushed to my side and James went to find Madam Pomfrey.

"MADAM POMFREY! SHE'S AWAKE!" James yelled and I winced.

"OW!" I yelled at his back and placed a hand on my head.

"Sorry." He apologized when he looked back. I rolled my eyes. James was always loud. Lily asked me if I was okay and again I rolled my eyes. I tried to get up out of bed but James had come back and pushed me back down.

"I would like to leave this place please, James." I said stubbornly. He laughed.

"No way. Not until you are better." He said and I glared at him. I then place a finger at one end of my cut and traced it to the other side. The cut instantly healed and I smiled.

"See, I'm all better now. Can I leave?" I asked and Madam Pomfrey had no choice but to let me go. I was physically and emotionally healed so there was no real reason for me to stay.

"Yes you may go. Be careful please next time." The healer said and I grabbed my things. I slung my purse over my shoulder and walked out the large double doors. Just as I got out of the doors, pure black liquid poured into my head. It ran through my hair and down onto my clothes.

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