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"The Yule Ball is a formal dance that requires a specific style of dance, ballroom dancing. I will not let my students embarrass me. Please all grab a partner and then I will teach you the specifics. Mr Pettigrew you will accompany me." McGonagall told us as all the Gryffindor students fourth year and above were in the chamber off of the Great Hall. I looked over to Peter Pettigrew, one of James' friends and saw his cheeks redden. 

Immediately I saw James come across the room and stand in front of my sister. Lily rolled her eyes and walked away. I smiled a bit at her resilience but I was sad for James. He has tried so many times to just go on a date with her and she completely shut him down every time. But I knew that deep down she would eventually cave. I think she cares for him, even now.

"Would you like to have this dance?" Someone said from beside me. My face lit up with a smile as I turned to face Sirius. He was slowing becoming my favourite person and I'm not sure why. We were nemeses last year but this year, he had been a really good friend and had helped me a lot. We still joked and butted heads a bit but it was in a fun way.

"Of course." I took his hand and we walked towards the middle of the room. 

"Alright, settle down! Everyone have a partner? Good. Now gentlemen, place one hand on your partner's waist and ladies, one hand on their shoulder. And then with your remaining hands, lace your fingers together." McGonagall demonstrated with Peter. He was so red now, Sirius and I clasped our left hands together and then I place my right hand on his shoulder. His hand felt warm on my waist. I smiled at him and waited for McGonagall's next instructions. 

"Now, it goes in a pattern of," McGonagall started moving with Peter, "One, two three. One, two three, one, two, three. Lets get everyone trying." She called out and I focused on Sirius. We started moving, me with a bit of problem, but Sirius was excellent on his feet.

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer." I raised my eyebrows as we glided around the room. Only a few other couples were moving like we were.

"Well there are quite a few things you don't know about me, I would love to show you some time." He wiggled his eyebrows. I took my hand off his shoulder and whacked him over the head. But we both delved into peels of laughter. 

"My mother made my brother and I take dance lessons when I was younger. They never came in handy until now." He seemed bitter as he remembered her. So I smiled and let that conversation drop. I didn't know much about his childhood and I didn't want to pry.

"Well I'm glad that your my partner for lesson because I would hate to be Marlene right now." I giggled as we peaked over at her and her partner. He was some boy in seventh year and was so bad he kept stepping on her feet. We laughed and I saw her look over with a pleading look as if she wanted us to get her out of that situation. He was pretty though.

"So, who are you taking to the ball then? Anyone ask you yet?" Sirius asked me. I groaned

"Don't get me started. I had seven just this morning! Everyone wants to go with me because I'm the stupid champion but I don't even know half the people who asked! Also, I am surprised at those little eleven year olds, they just come out of no where." I shook my head as Sirius barked out a laugh. I was literally being ambushed by boys all the time. We will had maybe a week and a half before the ball so I had plenty of time to choose someone.

"I just want someone who actually is friends with me to ask because if I have to spend a whole night with them, they need to have some wit. Also, they way these boys ask is just awful. They yell at you as you walk by."

"So, you want someone to bring you flowers, get down on one knee and propose to you?" He joked.

"That is not what I meant! But if someone did that, how would I be able to say no?" I laughed, "Anyways, who is the Gryffindor heartthrob asking to the ball? Gotten any love potions yet?" I asked playfully. I knew he had gotten love potions before from desperate girls trying to woo him over.

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