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"Well, go on, check if you made it." Lily told me after we got back from dinner. I was nervous, I really wanted to get the part. I start to go up to the bulletin board but quickly turn around.

"Why don't we just get ready for bed first. There's too many people here." I say slightly shy. If I didn't get it, I didn't want so many people seeing my reaction. Lily rolled her eyes at my sudden lack of confidence but followed me up to our dorm anyways.

I took time taking off my makeup and changing into my comfy clothes. I put my hair up into a messy bun and then turned to Lily.

"Okay." I took a deep breath, "Let's get this over with."

We walked down the stairs together and into the still crowded common room. I pushed through the mass of people surrounding the board and looked up.

The Fountain of Fair Fortune ~ Cast

Narrator ~ Kelsey Spalding

Understudy ~ Adara Marigold

Sir Luckless ~ James Potter

Understudy ~ Andrew Boot

Asha ~ Andromeda Black

Understudy ~ Viviette Sullivan

Altheda ~ Marlene McKinnon

Understudy ~ Becca Snelling

Amata ~ Eliza Evans

Understudy ~ Sloane Munson

I squealed in excitement. I couldn't believe it! I turned to Lily with a big smile on my face.

"I made it!" I say jumping up and down. She gave me a big hug, congratulating me as she giggled.

"I can see that!" She laughed.

"Lizzy!" I heard someone call my nickname. I turned to see James coming towards me. His smile was too intoxicating to turn down.

"Congratulations, Jamie!" I say loud enough for everyone to hear. I run up to hug him and he envelopes me with his muscled arms. I laugh as he picks me up.

"I should be saying that to you! Miss. Amata." He chuckles as he puts me down. I give him a curtsy, creating even more noise.

"As kind as ever, good Sir Luckless." I say giggling through the words. We talk a bit more but then I was taken away by two certain people who I loved very dearly, my best friends. Julia and Kaitlyn.

"Did you see, did you see?!" They asked together, super excited.

"Did I see what?" I answered with another question, smiling. They both pointed toward the bulletin board. I went closer to take a better look. Below the cast was a list of the crew. I read it thoroughly.

The Fountain of Fair Fortune ~ Crew

Director ~ Herbert Beery

Shadow Director ~ Katherine Mills

Lighting Director ~ Minerva McGonagall

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