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I woke up at the wrong time this morning. I woke up at ten thirty and had fifteen minutes to get dressed and wolf down a quick breakfast before rushing into the car. I didn't think we would make it in time for the train.

"You look nice." Kaitlyn told me once we found a compartment on the train. I looked down at my attire for the first time since I had hastily stuck it on this morning. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a white long sleeve. I had thrown my mum's wool coat on as we ran out the door and found a pair of sunglasses in the pockets. I had also grabbed the first pair of shoes I saw and the random necklace that was on my dresser. Surprisingly everything seemed to fit. A happy mistake was what I liked to call these odd occurrences.

"Thanks!" I say happily as I stuck my trunks above in the carrying compartment.

The train swept through the city and into the fields and before we knew it, it was pulling up to the Hogsmead train station. It was weird to think that this was already my second year at Hogwarts. I remember the first time I stepped off the train last year, full of nerves. I remember not thinking I was going to make friends or fit in but to my dismay it worked out perfectly. I felt like I had been here my whole life.


"Good evening, students! And welcome to another year at Hogwarts school! Now before we eat lets get the first years sorted." Dumbledore announced when we got into the Great Hall and took our seats. McGonagall brought the first years in and started to call them from a roll of parchment.

"Adams, Martha!"


"Akerman, Meruin!"


Moloney, Muriel also became a Ravenclaw but Pucey, Terence became the first Slytherin. After I started to tune out a bit, only hearing a few like Quincey, Sara (Hufflepuff!), and Tipton, Colin (Gryffindor!). Finally when the last person, (Urquhart, Micheal, Slytherin) was sorted, Professor Dumbledore called for silence.

"Congratulations to all the first years and we all hope the best for you, when completing your studies!" He called and everyone broke into applause, "Yes, yes! It's all very exciting, but I have some news that might be a bit more entertaining!"

At this the whole Hall broke into whispers. I wondered what this announcement would be.

"I bet you it has something to do with those dresses we had to get over the summer." Marlene said across the table. I nodded, agreeing with her. Why else would we have had to get a dress. But I was wrong, what Dumbledore told us was nothing I would have ever guessed.

"This year, Hogwarts School will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament! It is open to all who wishes to enter! But beware, if you are chosen, you stand alone!" He told us. I was in awe, I could believe that this was going to be happening at my school! There were a lot of people expressing the same things I was thinking but there were also the skeptical people who had rather unhappy review of the tournament.

"I heard they banned it!"

"Didn't someone die the last time?"

"That's so dangerous! I can't believe that they're doing that game again!"

"Yes! This contest has been dangerous in the past but we are taking extra measures to make sure that this year is as safe as possible! The other Heads of Schools and I have come to agreement about the safety and I wish that you remain silence while I explain."

After Dumbledore finished the whole hall fell silent. A lot of people were getting very hungry, and many people were wanting the headmaster to finish up.

"I know, in the previous years that this tournament has been held, there has been... casualties. But we, the Beauxbatons headmistress, the Durmstrang headmaster and I, have put an age limit on how old you have to be in order to enter. You will have to be in Fourth Year or higher to put your name forward. I must express caution to all who are considering but also, I wish you all the best of luck! Now let's eat, I'm sure you all are very hungry!"

The tables were suddenly filled with food. The students were also beginning to discuss the Triwizard Tournament. I had heard that there was a thousand galleon price for the winner. But that didn't matter because I was going to see my friends again. Kosta, Zechariah, Aleksander and Dragomir were my best friends when I went to Durmstrang and I was dying to see them again.

When at last the tables were cleared of food, the headmaster told us all to go to bed. I gladly left the Great Hall, tired and feeling quite full. The walk back to the soft bed that awaited me in the Gryffindor Tower was uneventful and quiet. When my friends and I go to our dormitory we exchanged good nights and hopped into bed after we changed into pajamas. I then drift off into a dreamless sleep.


When morning came, the talk about the tournament hadn't did down even a bit. I was excited too but I couldn't concentrate one bit in class. We were sitting in Potions, doing textbook work when the tournament came up yet again.

"Hey Evans? You went to Durmstrang, hows the competition? I want to know what I'm getting into before I put my name into the goblet." Sirius asked me from the table behind. I sighed and rolled my eyes before setting my quill down and turning around.

"I went to Durmstrang two years ago. A lot of the guys I knew have already graduated. Besides, what makes you think you'll be the Hogwarts champion?" I ask him. He opened him mouth, closed it, opened it again and closed it once more. I smirked and turned back to my paper.

"Thought so."

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