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This chapter is dedicated to @Gallagher_Girl8 because just the other day we had probably one of the best conversations I've had in a long time. So thanks!


"Oh my Godric! This dress is amazing!" I squeal as Julia and Kaitlyn show me the dress they made for Amata. Made of blush tone satin, it hung over my shoulders and came with a large, bronze, sequin belt. It swept the floor with it's length and I was absolutely in love with it.

Today was the day the play was going on for the whole school to see

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Today was the day the play was going on for the whole school to see. You could say I was a little nervous. Or maybe a lot.

"You like it?" Julia asked as she helped me into it. There was little over an hour left till the production started. I had my hair in an elegant half up half down braided style and my feet in four inch bronze heels. They represented my character perfectly.

"Bloody hell, yes! This is the prettiest dress I've ever worn! Maybe I won't take it off." I exclaim as Julia laughs.

"You can keep it you know." Kaitlyn says as she moves my hair away from the zipper. 

"Really?!" I ask excitedly. They both nod and I give them a big hug. 

"Hey, you look amazing Eliza." Marlene says as she comes over to where I'm standing. She has an off white, high necked floor length dress on with some of the most intricate black lace embroidering I have ever seen. On top, she had a white apron and on her feet, some knee high lace up boots. Her hair was in a pretty plait down her back.

"So do you! Wow, this dress is really something

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"So do you! Wow, this dress is really something." I say as I take a closer look. It must have taken days to make. She smiles. 

"It's all because of these two." Marlene says, addressing my two best friends. They blush. From a distance I can see Kelsey and Andromeda getting ready too. Kelsey's dress is huge. I don't think it would fit through the door. Thank Merlin she's pretty much only standing the whole time. I wouldn't know how to move in that thing. It's about five people wide and bright red. The front has a white peacock design and all around the neck, feathers fan out surrounding her head. Her hair was in tight curls which looked really pretty too. She lifts up her dress, which must weight a ton and I see black stilettos what wined their way up her leg. That costume was an absolute piece of art. 

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