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It was raining. Every time James scheduled a quidditch practice, it ended in a muddy mess. But this practice was crucial because we were training a new keeper for the upcoming match next week. It was against Ravenclaw, and they had beaten us previously, so we needed to be prepared.

"Reed!" I yelled into the wind as she zoomed up beside me. She swiftly tossed the ball to me and I caught it, flying closer to the hoops before testing our keeper, Archer Elliot. I threw it with all my might, honing in on all my skills and techniques and he caught it. I knew that he was the best one at tryouts, but rarely ever has someone been able to block one of those shots, not to toot my own horn and all.

"I'm impressed, Elliot." I said to him as he tossed it back to me, "That's a hard one to block."

"Well, maybe you're just not as good as you think you are, Eliza." He told me with a smirk on his face. He was a devious little sixth year and I sat in shock over what he had just said. Then he laughed and I knew he was joking.

"You better watch yourself there, Elliot." I laughed. Seconds later, I heard something zoom past my head and Archer nearly toppled off his broom to avoid the bludger.

"Gotta keep you on your toes there, Elliot." Sirius called out from some distance behind me. I smiled as I flew by him.

"What were you doing talking to him for so long?" Sirius asked me and I tossed off the quaffle to James.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, giggling. He turned away and watched for the bludger as it came at us. He gave a great swing and sent it in the direction of James. The ball connected with the quaffle and it fell out of James' hands, to be caught by Abigail.

"No." I flew closer and kissed his cheek.

"You so are." I told him and darted away when Abigail had returned with my ball. James, Abigail and I worked for another half an hour before it had gotten too wet to really focus on anything other than the sudden weight to our robes. James called the practice and all seven of us landed in the mud. Archer, James, Sawyer, the other beater, and Sirius retired to their change room while Abigail, Kate, the seeker, and I went to freshen up in ours.

"This isn't going to die down is it?" I asked them as I peered out, battling on whether I should change or just keep on my dirty robes so that I wouldn't soil my fresh clothes. They both stood with me as I watched the on coming rain, pouring as if someone was emptying buckets. It had really picked up.

"I think it's just getting worse." Kate answered.

"Well then, no point in changing." I said and turned to my bag, packing up my stuff.

"Eliza! You ready?" Sirius called from outside. I quickly said goodbye to the other girls and gathered my broom and bag and met him outside.

"For your information, Trouble, I was not jealous, I was merely making sure that he would be ready for next week." He told me as we walked across the pitch, in the mud, to the exit. I stopped, aware that it was still very much raining.

"Okay Starboy, so if I went up and kissed him right now, you wouldn't be jealous?" I asked him with a mischievous, little smirk on my face. I could see his jaw clench slightly.

"No." He told me slowly. Then, the man in question, Archer Elliot, walked out of the change room. I turned back to Sirius.

"So it's okay if I go up and start up a chat with him? Maybe kiss him goodbye?" I asked him and I slowly took a step backwards, closer to the sixth year. I turned around and walked maybe another two steps before Sirius grabbed my hand.

"You really are trouble, you know that, right?" He said and he brought me close.

"Maybe I do." I giggled and kissed him slowly before pushing him in the mud. Unfortunately, my plan to prank him had backfired and he dragged me along with him. We landed and I felt the mud go everywhere, covering my robes, arms, legs and face, not to mention my broom and bag.

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