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It's as if I was froze. I wanted to run, to find my feet and save him. I felt the need to try at least. I sat and watched in horror as the golden horns, so highly prized, pierced through my competitors body. But Dimitar was not just my competitor. He was a peer, someone who I taught, a friend, a little brother. 

The crowd broke into chaos as dragon handlers ran forward, trying to contain the Romanian Longhorn. I found my feet suddenly, and ignoring the enormous pains shooting from my neck and ankle, I tried reaching him. 

"Stop! Eliza!" Someone grabbed my arm, halting my proceedings. I sunk to the ground willing the person to wrap their arms around me, trying to bring me comfort while I let my friend hurt. I knew I was crying, screaming, clawing at them to let me go but they didn't. Within the hour long minute it was over. People were rushing, trying to cover up his body.

"Come on, you don't need to watch this." It was my sister this time who blocked my view. I was quiet now. I knew there was nothing that they could do to help Dimitar. He was fourteen, and too young to have even gone into this competition. As I let whoever was holding me take me away, I didn't cry anymore, I was silent, stone-like and still.

I was handed off to the healers and Madam Pomfrey to deal with my own injuries. I didn't hiss when they pressed my wounds with creams or gag when they gave me a potion. It was like I had broken my nerves. I was zombie-like.

My friends stayed with me, never once complaining, and I was thankful for that. Madam Pomfrey dismissed me after dressing my neck and healing my ankle completely with the help of a little magic. She had told me that I was due to check in with her tomorrow morning as well. As I walked back towards the Gryffindor tower holding Lily's hand, I saw people staring at me. 

"Eliza! Excellent work out their darling! As promised, one thousand galleons." Eugenia Jenkins came up to me. I stared at her as she held out a sack of coins. How could she be happy, how could she talk about that horrific affair and congratulate me on winning after what had just happened.  

"I don't want it. Lily, tell her to go away, I don't want to see it any of it." I pleaded with my sister quietly. The tears were coming on again, and I didn't want everyone in this hallway to see that I was weak at this point. 

"Come here, Lizzy." Sirius said from behind me and took my arm, pulling me in. He wiped the tears away from my eyes and we left Lily and James to deal with the Minister of Magic. I was done with this tournament and all the strings attached. 

"I just want to all to go away." I blubbered on once we reached the common room. Thankfully no one had seen it appropriate to throw a party. I don't think I could have taken much more.

"I know and it is. Just the ceremony left and then you can forget all about it. But please, Eliza, don't let it break you." 


The crowning ceremony came a week later. Everyone I knew, knew better than to mention it to me till the absolute last moment. Lily helped me into a dress, one that I had been so excited to wear but now it seemed selfish to think of a garment in such light. I watched as Julia did my hair up with crystallized flowers and my makeup lightly, covering the dark circles that were prominent under my eyes. I put in my earrings and other pieces of jewelry starring at a reflection that didn't really look like me anymore. 

"You do really look beautiful

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"You do really look beautiful." Kaitlyn said from behind me. I turned around and gave her a half smile. The rest of my dorm-mates were dressed up for another dance as well. This one would not be as long or extravagant as the Yule Ball but formal dress was stressed. 

"Thank you." I told her. It was now time to face the last thing in my path before I could start to get over this blasted year. I walked down the stairs to greet the rest of our house. People congratulated me and consoled me and told me that I was pretty, but what I really wanted was to get out of the spotlight. When I got out of the common room, I rushed down the hallways towards the little room off of the Great Hall where I was supposed to meet Cordelia and the headmasters and mistresses before the ceremony. When I got there, I saw the french girl and gave her a hug. She was the only one who knew what it really felt like. 

"You look so beautiful." I told her as I took a step back to admire the fabric of her dress. The gown was a soft blush colour, made of tulle with lots of bead embellishments. 

"Well, you look like a princess compared to me." She laughed and we shared a knowing smile. 

"Ladies, listen up! The Ceremony's starting soon and I just wanted to let you know that after Eliza is crowned, we are going to have a moment of silence for Dimitar and his family then you can have a few minutes to say something if you'd like before the dancing commences." Eugenia explained to us. I turned away from her, still upset over what had happened a few days ago. She had yet to apologize for her absurd demeanour. 

"Okay." Cordelia answered for both of us. Professor McGonagall came in shortly after informing us that everyone was in the Great Hall and that they were ready for us. A song played as we walked in, Headmaster Munter first, Cordelia second with her Headmistress and Professor Dumbledore and I reared up the group. When we got to the front where Jenkins and Minchum were, the crowd clapped and the song died down.

"Thank you." Harold Minchum spoke, "We would like to congratulate Eliza Evans of Hogwarts School for winning this years Triwizard Tournament." He continued as I stepped up and Eugenia placed the crown on top of my head and handed me a bouquet of flowers. The students and staff around us clapped once more. 

"We would now like to have a moment of silence for Dimitar Konstantinov." The Minister said and the room was silent. It was the longest minute of my life. I couldn't stop the images flying through my mind, poisoning my thoughts and making me sick. The amount of guilt I carried with me was insane, I just left as if I could have done something to help, I could have saved him. But I knew that was impossible.

"Thank you." She concluded and looked at me to see if I wanted to say something. I nodded slightly and move up to talk.

"First of all, I want to thank everyone who had a hand in helping me along this journey. That includes my fellow champions. I had the pleasure of meeting Cordelia this year but Dimitar and I have been acquaintances for a few years now. When I had attended Durmstrang for a few years, I tutored Dimitar in his young years. He was one of the brightest wizards I had ever come to know. He was smart, and kind, and passionate for what he believed in. This young boy was too young to take part in something that could have ended his life so young. But if he had the chance to go back in time, I knew that he would have still put his name in that goblet those many months ago. He was so sure of himself, so strong willed and I will always be thankful that I could have those years with him. But I also know that he was always happy and wouldn't have wanted us to remember his name in vain. He would want us to continue on and share in these supposably happy moments. And lastly, I would like to acknowledge that although she did no win, Cordelia Amour was a fierce competitor and I would not want to be standing up here with anyone else. Thank you." I talked for what seemed like an eon before breaking the speech off. I hurried back, wiping the few stray tears that had escaped. Cordelia went next with something along the same lines as what I had said. 

The music started shortly after and people cleared out of the front to start the dancing. I watched as couples swayed to the music as it started out soft. I found a table and put my flowers in it so that I wouldn't have to carry them around the whole night. Someone cleared their throat and I turned around to see that Sirius was standing with his hand tucking into his dress pants. He had paired it with a simple dress shirt, obviously not wanted it get caught up in the whole dress robes affair.

"A dance for old times sake?" He asked as he held out a hand to me. I gripped it, thankful for the warmth in this rather cold feeling room, and nodded as he guided us out onto the dance floor. I had forgotten how skilled of a dancer Sirius Black was as we unexpectedly glided around the room in ease. We danced to a few songs until we got to a rather slow one where we then slowed our skills to match the tempo. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cordelia dancing with a boy from her own school and felt a pang of sadness thinking back to the Yule Ball when we were all there. A single tear found itself on my cheek as I rested my head on Sirius' shoulder. He placed a light kiss on my forehead, and I realized that he was telling me, in his own way that he understood.

"Thank you." 

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