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The next morning, I felt like I was on a sugar buzz. I couldn't keep myself from feeling jittery about confronting Lily and James, I was just so excited to see if they were together. Also, I wanted to embarrass them so bad.

"Okay, I came up with a plan." Sirius told me as we walked down to breakfast.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Well, I was thinking that we could casually bring up that we were in the common room last night, without saying that we saw them, just hinting at it as see how flustered they get." He explained to be as I nodded along.

"That's a good idea, although, I'm not sure that it would work, they will have to be sitting close together and knowing Lily she's going to sit all the way on the other side." I told him, and he took this into consideration.

"We'll figure it out. Just shove her over of something." He said and we entered. I spotted Lily, and she was sitting a few seats down from across from James. I looked at Sirius and he tilted his head, motioning me to move towards Lily.

"Scooch over." I said to my sister as I took a seat next to her left side.

"Why can't you just sit on my other side, no one else is." She complained but I bumped her down a few seats, and saw that Sirius was doing the same with James to bring them closer together. Once I was satisfied with our spot, I grabbed a piece of toast and started to butter and jam it. I offered one to her but she declined.

"I'll take one if you're offering." Sirius said and I handed him the one I had just made before starting fresh one.

"Hey, Starboy, tell James what we were singing yesterday." I said, biting back my mischievous smile.

"Oh, yeah, she would give you a run for your money, mate. You might have to forfeit your award for worst singer. We were in the common room late last night and she just wouldn't stop." He started laughing. I saw both Lily and James freeze, mid chew. I almost lost it when their eyes went wide, but I continued playing.

"Well, I didn't think I was that bad, definitely better than James, and, I was singing your favourite, Lils. All the hits from Celestina Warbeck. You know, we thought we heard something too, you really need to start cracking down of those curfew breakers." I probed, trying to see if they would crack under the pressure. Lily's face was slowly turning the colour of a beetroot.

"Did you guys see anyone on your way back from the meeting?" Sirius asked them. James shook his head quickly, stealing a glance at Lily.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, when did you guys get back? It was awfully late when I went down to the common room and unless you have invisibility powers, I couldn't see you in the dormitory." I continued, laughing.

"Crazy how long those things run." Sirius added. We were both waiting for the explosion of the truth. When we realized they they weren't going to release any information, I got up from the table.

"Alright Sirius, let's get to class." I slung my bag over my shoulder.

"Right-o, Trouble." He said and copied my actions. I leaned down to whisper in Lily's ear.

"Enjoy your time last night?"

I met Sirius at the doors and once we had gotten out of the hall, we delved into fits of laughter, ones that I was struggling to contain in my being.

"They for sure know that we know." I said between short breaths.

"If they don't, they're even more of idiots than they used to be, we practically put it all out on a line for them." He added. We walked along until we got to our charms class. When we got in, we took a seat at one of the back desks and I got out all of my belongings needed. A few minutes later, James and Lily came in and stopped in front of our desks. I smirk grew on Sirius and my faces.

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