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"So you just argued with Black and then left! Wow, no one does that." Julia, my sisters friend exclaims with exhaust. I had just finished explaining what I said to him for the tenth time.

"Ugh, Julia. I'm sure people do it all the time to him." I said. Kaitlyn, another one of Lily's friends, looked at me before talking.

"Actually no one does because all the women always 'lust' after him." She says with quotation marks. I laughed my head off at that. I was sitting with Lily and two of Lily's friends, Julia Kerr and Kaitlyn Bryne, on the Hogwarts Express. We were about half way to the school by now and I was starving.

"When is the food trolley coming around." I wined. They laugh as Lily opens the door and looks down the corridor. She motions me to come with her and I see that the trolley is just a couple doors away from us. I couldn't wait for it to come here. I was so hungry that my stomach was growling. When the food trolley finally got to out compartment, I bought a package of peppermint toads-they were my favourite-and some other candies that I thought that the girls might like. After I purchased everything, I thanked the trolley lady and went back inside where I shared everything with my new friends. Everyone grabbed what they wanted and started to unwrap there choice of candy but I stopped them.

"Uh, uh. Not until we have a proper lunch." I exclaimed and they looked at me with weird faces.

"You had food all this time and you wanted the food trolley to come here faster!?" Julia yells. I nod.

"We needed the sweet to go with the savory." I say with a smile then click open my trunk and pull out a basket filled to the brim with food. I had packed sandwiches, a couple of bottles of pumpkin juice, and some crisp packets. I open the food basket and pull out all the food. They stare in awe, even my sister. I hand out the sandwiches to everyone and fill glasses with pumpkin juice. We all eat happily and share the candy till were to full to carry on. In the end we only have a couple sandwiches left. That's when James and his good for nothing friend, Sirius Black came into our compartment.

They each took a sandwich and I shot them a foul look. They both shrugged with full mouths. I rolled my eyes and got up. I pushed both of them out of the compartment and shut to door promptly. They started banging on the door but I just ignored them. I turned back to the speechless girls and smiled.

"Now where were we." I smirked.


As we got of the train in Hogsmead station I started to feel a little nervous. I mean, I had never gone to wizard school with girls before and I have never really had any girl friends. I always got along with boys better. That's why I was so surprised that I got along with Julia and Kaitlyn. I gulped down my worries and faced the carriages that awaited us. My sister, Julia, Kaitlyn and I all got into a carriage along with the other Gryffindor girls. It started to pour. All the people out side started to run into carriages as we sped along the slippery route. Nothing seemed to be pulling the rides.

When we got into the castle I was presently surprised. The Durmstrang castle was nothing like this one. Hogwarts was well lit and it seemed to glow with a warm energy. Nobody seemed to be looking for me so I just walked into this big room, following my sisters group. I sat down at the Gryffindor table I assumed and waited for something to happen. In anticipation I smoothed the new robes that I had put on in the train. Once everyone had sat down the Headmaster said a few words and a whole bunch of little eleven year olds walked into the hall. each one put this hat onto there head and got sorted into a house, at my old school they just separated us by year. So I was with the Fourth years last year. We had no fancy sorting ceremony. After the last little kid was sorted into Gryffindor, the Headmaster, Dumbledore rose again.

"We have one more person to sort." He said. Alright here we go. "She will be joining you fifth years out there. Can we please have Miss Eliza Evans to come over here to be sorted." He addressed the crowd. Lily squeezed my hand and I stood up. Walking over to the stool seemed to take forever because everyone was starring at me. I took a deep breath as the hat was placed upon my head and exhaled as it shouted my house out.

"Gryffindor!" It yelled and I smiled contently. I walked back down to the Gryffindor table and I looked down to see that my robes had changed to scarlet and black with my house crest on the left breast. I sat down beside Kaitlyn and across from Julia. Lily had gone off to sit with her other friends. Dumbledore sat down and food appeared on the tables. This was all very different from Durmstrang. As I took a little of this and a little of that I could feel Black's eyes watching me so I turned around to face him.

"Do you have a problem or is your mouth just incapable to speak for itself or to eat anything?" I ask sarcastically. Black had a fork full of now cold mash potatoes that had been on that fork since the food appeared. He glared at me but I just smiled sweetly and returned to my dinner. Seconds after I lifted my fork I heard a fork fling back and a quite whistle of food approach. Just before the food hit my face I waved my hand to the side of my face and thought, 'Protego!' Immediately the mash potatoes bounced off. I directed my my hand with a flick and the potatoes hit Black in the face instead. I giggled and Kaitlyn nudged my side. I looked over.

"Did you just do wandless Magic!?" She exclaimed and I nodded.

"Being at Durmstrang had its ups and down, pros and cons. I just kind of picked it up." I said and ate the bit of broccoli that was on my fork. Black didn't seem to like getting a fork full of mashed potatoes in the face so retorted in pulling out his wand. I turned to face him and pulled out my own.

"Hey, Evans! I know you haven't liked me from the start but you don't want to get on the wrong side of me." He said threateningly. I down right laughed. This was going to be a fun year.

"Yeah right. I'm so scared. There's more mash potatoes over hear if you like." I said with a smirk.

"I can make your life a living hell, Evans, I'm warning you!" Black said and raised his wand. He then yelled 'Expelliarmus!" I deflected if with a flick from my own wand and smiled.

"I am looking forward to it! Bring it on! Hit me with your best shot!" I laughed and used the same spell Black used, just without saying any words. His wand whizzed out of his hand and straight into mine. By now the whole school is watching. James got up from his seat and pleaded me to give back Black's wand. I reluctantly handed it over and Black called out.

"You better watch your back, Evans! I'll get you back for this!" He said as he took his seat again and glared at me. I ignored his glare, turned around and muttered to the girls.

"And he'll regret it."



Hello! I finally published this chapter! I know so many people have been asking me to update so I hope this is satisfactory!

Vote, Comment, Love you all,

Becca xo

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