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"LILY! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE AND I DONT WANT TO MISS MY FIRST DAY!" I scream at my twin. We look nothing alike but we are still twins. She has flaming red hair and I have shiny silvery blonde hair. The only thing we have in common is that we both have emerald green eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, Eliza. You just want to see James." Lily says as she bounds down the stairs. I smile at the thought of James but then scowl at Lily.

"Hey, hey I haven't seen him in years and I don't want to date him. He's yours." I say with a smile and wiggle my eyebrows at Lily. She blushes. I'm the only one Lily confided in with her secret love.

"Hey! I will date James when you date Black." She says with a smirk. I put on a confused face.

"Sirius Black? Gryffindor? Player?" She says in questions. Then it hits me. Slytherin family, disowned, lives with James now. The kid's a twit, from what I hear.

"Ah, now I remember. I recall you calling him a toerag, bully, twit, and a git. But I also recall you saying James was all of those things too." I say. She blushes at the part about James but I just roll my eyes. She is so love struck. I smile at the thought. I'm going to get her and James together.

"Alrighty! Let's get going." Lily exclaims.

"Eye, eye captain!" I salute her. She giggles recalling the muggle show SpongeBob SquarePants.

"I can't hear you!" She raises her voice.



"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!" We sing before we are stopped by Tunny. Tunny was our older sister that thought we were freaks.

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU FREAKS!" She screamed at us. Lily stuck her tongue out at her while I replied appropriately and showed her the finger. She gasped but I shrugged. Right before I could put my lovely finger away my father came into the room. Oops.

"Eliza! What do you think you are doing?!" My father asked.

"Petunia called us freaks! What do you honestly think I was going to do. I spent four years in a school for all boys I learned to act this way!" I exclaimed.

"Well then you should be happy to be going to Hogwarts." He said before walking out of the room and telling us we would be leaving on five minutes. I sat down on the stairs and started lacing up my short light brown high heel boots. After I finish with my boots I stand up and put on my Durmstang coat. Although I'm not going there anymore I still want to wear it because it is my favourite coat and it is gorgeous. Since I was sent to Drumstrang as the only girl I got to wear anything as long as it was the school colours. Buttoning up my coat I am done. I grab my two trunks, yes I said two trunks. One for my books and clothes and one for my shoes. I love shoes. My favourite shoes are my beautiful, sleek black pumps. Anyways, I grab my trunks and haul them into the car.

"LILY! LET'S GO!" I yell to Lily already jumping into the back seat of our car.

"Hold your horses. James is going no where." Lily exclaims as she gets into the car and sit next to me. I flip her off and smile to my self. I'm going to surprise him when we get to the platform. Mum and dad get into the car and we start to drive to King's Cross station. When we get there we grab trolleys and walk to the barrier. Lily went first then my parents. I went last in order to surprise James. Pushing my trolley I look around making sure that no muggles were looking and I disappear through the barrier.

I appear on the other side of the barrier and look at the train in awe. It truly was beautiful. I drop my stuff on the train and then look around for James.


James' P.O.V

"Let's go Sirius!" I whine. The train was leaving soon and Sirius was taking his own sweet time doing his hair. I swear that is his pride and joy.

"Ok! I'm combing my hair. I will be down in a minute." He yells down I roll my eyes. I grab my wand and stuff it in my back pocket and drag my trunk to the front foyer. Sirius comes bounding down the stairs and pulls his trunk to the front door.

"Mum! Dad! We're ready!" I yell through the house hopeful that they heard me. Our house was pretty big.

"Alright! We'll be there in a minute." Mum yells back. I sigh an sit on my trunk thinking about Lily and Eliza, the girl I haven't seen in years. Eliza was my best friend before she moved to Bulgaria to go to Durmstrang. Apparently her parents sent her there because she needed to have some discipline. She loved to get in trouble and play pranks. She once played a prank that got someone injured. That was the prank that went over the line and landed her in Bulgaria. Before I went to Hogwarts and she to Durmstrang, we had lived across the street. I walked up to the window and stared at her house. There was a car pulling out of the drive way. Probably her parents going to work. They were Muggles but she was a witch, a Muggleborn.

"Alright. Let's go." My parents said. I sighed and we apperated to King's Cross and into platform 9 3/4. When we got there Sirius and I went and put our trunks into a compartment before going to say goodbye and meet our friends.

"Bye mum, dad. See you at Christmas." I said and hugged them.

"Thank you for letting me stay Mr. And Mrs. Potter." Sirius said.

"No problem Sirius. You will always be welcome at our home. I will see you at Christmas." Mum said and kissed up both on the cheeks. I flushed red but recovered quickly. Once my folks went to talk to some of their other friends we went to look for Remus and Peter.

"Ooh, look at that hot new chick." Exclaimed Sirius as he wolf whistled. The girl looked to be our age and had silvery blonde hair. She was wearing a red coat with fur trimming and short brown high heel boots. The girl looked over our way and then I noticed who it was.

"Eliza?!" I yelled in confusion and happiness. She looked at me and smiled.

"Jamie!" She screamed and ran towards me and into my out stretched arms. I hugged her tightly and she, back.

"I missed you Lizzy." I whispered into her ear. She let go and looked at me in the eye.

"I missed you for four years straight." She said promptly.

"Um, sorry to break the moment mate, but, you know this chick?" Sirius asked.


Eliza's P.O.V

"Um, sorry to break the moment mate, but, you know this chick?" The boy beside me asked. I look over at him and scowl. I am assuming that this is Sirius Black. He looks just like the type of player that would be at Durmstang.

"Oh, you're Sirius Black." I say flat out a second later.

"Yeah I am. You got a problem with that?" Sirius shot back.

"Yeah I do and, I also have a problem with they way you are with women." I fire out again with a glare. Black glares back.

"How do you know me. You just met me." He says in an instant. I just laugh.

"I lived with guys like you for four years. I think I would know what they are like an I think I would recognize one if I saw it." I laugh.

"And where were you then?" Black asks suspiciously.

"Durmstrang." I say bluntly. Black stares wide eyed.

"Alright, see you James." I say and pat his chest then walk away to see my sister.



My first chapter is up! Please comment what you think of this story.


Becca xo

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