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Sirius gripped my hand as we exited the carriage and walked up to the castle. I hadn't let go since we had gotten back from our empty compartment. I wasn't that nervous now, about getting back, thanks to the boy holding my hand. I was sure that my friends were noticing but they didn't say anything. I knew I was going to be bombarded when I got to the dormitory.

I felt the wind rush through the bottom of my robes as we walked through the open front doors. I fixed my pointed black hat that sat on my hair and we took a seat at the Gryffindor table, Lily beside me, James and the rest of their gang beside and across Sirius. I saw Julia give me a curious glance from across me, but one look from me told her that I would explain later.

"Welcome back for another great year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore called out once everyone was seated. I stiffened at him words. Great year? Had he forgotten about last year incident? I felt Sirius squeeze my thigh, and he gave me a smile. I saw that McGonagall was missing along with Hagrid which meant that the first years had yet to arrive by boat. We waited a few minutes and then Hagrid came in and sat at the teachers table. McGonagall was now giving a speech and not before long, she came in leading a line of scared looking first years. I wondered if I looked scary and intimidating to the eleven year olds.

The sorting hat sang, and the kids were sorted and then it was time for dinner. I enjoyed it as much as the last two I had attended. After dinner, Dumbledore said a few messages and ushered us off to bed. Tomorrow would be our first last day of learning.

"Good night, Sirius." I said to him when we got to the common room.

"What, Trouble, I don't get a good night kiss?" He asked with a smirk and opened his arms.

"I didn't know you wanted one." I laughed before giving him a hug. I looked around for potential people watching us.

"I always want one from you." He said and brought his lips down on mine for a quick kiss. I wasn't sure what we were but I knew that I would rather be with him than without him. I watched as he went up with James, who was talking to him in a low voice. I wondered what they were saying. Then, I went up to my own room to be bombarded with questions from just about everyone.

"What was that! I just saw you two downstairs!" Kaitlyn exclaimed. I smiled at her and went to go unpack my trunk and get my pyjamas ready.

"It was nothing." I said as I slipped on my pyjamas and grabbed my toothbrush to deposit into the bathroom. Kaitlyn followed me in there.

"It was definitely not nothing! Are you two together?" Julia had come into the bathroom too.

"No. We just kissed on the train and then now." I told them and started to brush my teeth as they gasped.

"On the train too? When?" Kaitlyn asked me. I spit in the sink and took a drink of water, swishing it around before answering.

"When I left the compartment." I ran the toothbrush under the sink to clean it and then put it in the holder. They followed me out of the bathroom.

"So that's why he left! All he said was that he was going to see where the trolley was." Adara had joined in the conversation. I took my hairbrush out of my trunk and brushed through my hair until it was soft.

"Is that what he said?" I asked as I rooted through my trunk for the remainder of Mrs Potter's potions. I would have to inform Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey tomorrow about this so that I would be able to get some.

"And when you both came back together, and he was holding your hand, and you were smiling and oh merlin it looked so cute but I didn't want to say anything. And the way he held your hand the rest of the ride." Kaitlyn sighed. I laughed before drinking from the potion. If they thought anything about it, they didn't let me know.

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