Chapter 1- The Big Move

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*Anesthesia's POV*

As I got into the moving truck, I could feel the chilly, fall air of North Carolina blowing across my face, sending chills down my spine. I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, that was the same color as my eyes. It was a deep emerald green, and I was wearing my favorite pair of ripped, black skinny jeans. My mom asked if I was okay, and I told her the biggest lie ever. "I'm fine." This was a lie because, I was never okay, but I wasn't gonna tell anyone that, because I don't want ANYONE'S pity. I had gotten enough of it when I was younger.I turned to face the truck's passenger side window, and put in my earbuds, and began to listen to my new favorite song called Don't Go by Bring Me The Horizon. I watched the neighborhood I grew up in, disappear as my mom drove the truck out of the circle of my childhood. I watched the trees pass by as tears welled up in my eyes. I knew how to cry silently because I do it quite often if I can't hold my tears in anymore. We drove until we got to a gas station, where I got out to go get drinks, and snacks for me and my mom until we got to the next gas station. My mom stayed outside and filled the moving truck's gas tank. I grabbed myself a Monster, and a pack of gum, and I got my mom a Dr.Pepper, and a bag of Doritos. I walked up to the counter and payed for the things I got, then walked back outside to the truck. When I got in, I put the stuff in the middle seat between me and my mom. When she got in the truck, she went through the bag and asked what I got for myself. When I told her, she said, "Sweetheart, it's not good to starve yourself. You need to eat." As to which I said, "Mom, you know I can't eat in a moving vehicle. I will get sick." After I said what I had to say, I resumed my crying/music listening position, and stayed that way until we crossed the South Carolina State Line. When we got to the second gas station, I went in and got the same things I got at the last gas station, then came back out and got in the truck. When I began to assume my crying position, I looked at my phone screen to see I had 3 text messages from my ex friend named Brittany. The texts go in order as follows.


Brittany- I heard you are moving to Florida. Is it true?

Brittany- Well I guess that's a yes since you didn't answer me. I am actually glad you are gone. That's one less emo I have to worry about ruining my life.

Brittany- Oh and btw, I hope that you decide to do what you promised everyone you wouldn't do. You know what I'm talking about. ;)


I took a deep breath as I replied with cold, shaking fingers.


Anesthesia- Hey Brittany. Yes, the rumors are true. I am moving to Florida, and I'm not coming back. I'm glad that you're finally happy that I am out of your life. I never tried to ruin your life either. Everything that happened to you was your fault. It's not my problem that you got caught being stupid just because you were jealous of me. As for the promise, I had my fingers crossed the whole time, so it was never true, so if you hear about it on the news, it is partially your fault. I hope that gave you satisfaction to say what you did.


When I finished replying, I changed my song to Birds by Oh The Irony. The last thing I remember before passing out, is passing by the Georgia State Line. Which meant that we were over halfway to our destination, Dade City Florida. When I woke up I looked at my phone to check the time, and I realized that it was 6 am. I also noticed that I had 4 new messages. One was from Brittany, 2 were from my Grandma, whose house we were staying the night at until later that day, and the last was from my boyfriend Mattie.


Brittany- Wow, you know how to reply. i wasn't being stupid when I got caught, and I wasn't jealous. I was angry at you for ruining my life. I had my fingers crossed too when I told you that I wouldn't tell anyone your secret. Do you remember in 8th grade when you got caught and someone told, but you couldn't figure out who did it? Well it was me. I hope that I made your life a living hell.

Grandma- I hope that y'all are having a good trip, and I hope that y'all get here soon. i love you. Be safe.

Grandma- Where are y'all? You're making me worry.

Mattie- Baby, I miss you so much. I spent the night on the front porch of your old house, and I cried because I realize how much I miss you. I wanted you to know that you are so beautiful, and that I love you so much. I hope that I get to visit you soon. I don't know how long I can go without you. I wish you were closer. I love you though. :-/ <3


I completely ignored Brittany's message because I didn't want to hear her crap at the moment. But I replied to my Grandma's message first so she would stop worrying.


Anesthesia- Hey Gram. We are fine. We are almost to your house. Sorry I didn't answer before. I was sleeping, and mom's phone died when we were passing through South Carolina. I can't wait to see you. I love you Gram.


Then I replied with a swelling heart, and a closing throat, to Mattie's message.


Anesthesia- Hey baby. It's so good to finally talk to someone that doesn't make me feel like crap. I miss you too. Why didn't you call me? I would have answered, and I miss your voice as well. I have cried the whole drive. I love you too. I can't wait to see you again, I don't know how long I will last either. I wish I was closer as well. I love you too baby. </3 <3


Then as we pulled into my Grandmother's driveway, I realized that I probably just made a big mistake by choosing to move away from my problems. I also realized that I was stupid enough to think that they wouldn't follow me everywhere I went.


Sorry, I know it's quite long for the first chapter, and some details are missing, but those will come later on in the story. Thanks for reading!!

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