Chapter 9- I'm So Happy!!

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*Orion's POV*

When she said yes to me, it was the best feeling in the world. I felt my heart go light and airy, and my face automatically brightened. If I'm being honest, I was really hoping that she would say yes and I knew what she was going to say when she began to study my face. She makes me so happy, and I  am so glad that she said yes. I picked her up off the ground, and hugged her, and swung her around in a circle, happy that she was mine to hold, and only mine. I was also glad that I was her's. When she told me her story, I sensed why she was so shy and quiet and reserved with her life. It was because she thought that she couldn't trust anyone. I wanted to be there for her, anytime that she ever needed anyone. That's exactly what I intended to do for her. I put her down, and she said, "Do you want to go back to my house and we can hang out?" I smiled at her and said, "Of course my love." So we left hand in hand, and we walked back to her house. When we got to the front door, I watched her grab a key from underneath the doormat. She unlocked the door and stuck the key back underneath the doormat. We walked inside, and we walked down a long hallway, to a room at the very end, where on the door there was a sign that read, "Anesthesia's Room", in pretty cursive handwriting. She opened the door, only for me to discover a whole room full of things that were all black and purple. I loved it and thought that the colors matched her personality as well. She took off her shoes and sat down on her bed. I was still standing in the doorway when she said, "You can sit down on the bed if you want to. I'm not gonna kill you." I smiled, and sat down next to her on the bed. She slid over to where I was so that she could be close, and laid her head on my shoulder. I picked her up and sat her in my lap, so that she could listen to my heartbeat. She looked up and smiled at me and asked, "How did you know that I like listening to people's heart beats?" I told her, "I only knew because I love it too, and I figured that you might love it too. And I really wanted to hold you in my arms." She blushed and put her ear back on my chest. She sat very still for a few minutes, while I laid my face in her hair. She smelled like flowers, and coconuts. I loved the smell of her hair. She got up after a few minutes, and walked over to her laptop, and she turned on the song Deathbeds by Bring Me The Horizon. I laid my head on her pillow, and stretched my legs out. She came back over to the bed, and laid down facing me. I stared into her gorgeous eyes, and they seemed to take my breath away, because the next thing I knew, she was telling me to breathe. I smiled and said, "It's all your fault. If your eyes weren't so freaking beautiful, then I would have remembered how to breathe." She smiled and apologized. I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her close. After a few minutes, I said, "Would you mind if I kissed you right now?" She pulled her head away from my chest and said, " I wouldn't mind that at all." So I bent my face down to where her face was, and I gently placed my lips to hers. I moved them slightly and she followed my suit. After a few more seconds, I pulled away from her, and she smiled at me. She said, "You're so gentle. It's adorable. Thank you for being a gentleman and asking before you kissed me, but from now on, you don't have to ask to kiss me anymore." I smiled and said, "Good." Then I bent down and kissed her with a little more force than the first time. When we pulled apart, she looked into my eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but then her phone started to ring. She checked it and then she answered it. She said, "Hey Mom." Then she started talking like you normally would when you talked to your mom. She asked if she could have a friend stay the night, and she told her mom that it was a boy that was going to be staying the night. She said my name, and then she said thank you and hung up the phone. she told me, "My mom is going to stay at my grandmother's house tonight and you're allowed to stay the night if you want to." I smiled and I said, "I would love to. I was going to ask if I could stay. I would prefer not to leave you alone." I asked if I could use her phone to call my mom to tell her that I wasn't coming home tonight. I called my mom, and told her that I would be back by tomorrow night. Then I hung up the phone , and then  I wrapped her tightly back in my arms, and smiled at the thought that I wouldn't have to leave her alone tonight. 


I hope that you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!! <3

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