Chapter 18- She Is Wasting Away

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*Orion's POV*

I look at her and it makes me sad. It has been 2 months since her grandmother died, and I still love her more than anything that exists. She is still beautiful in every way possible. She began to gain weight after we started to hang out, but the weight gained, doesn't even match up to the weight that she has lost. She doesn't have ANY body fat, whatsoever. She is waif like, and even more fragile than before. Her bones stick out even worse, and it looks as if she makes one sharp movement, her bones will rip through her skin. It makes me sad to see her this way, because I know that I can't help her. The only thing that I can do, is continue to give her the love that she deserves and more. I look at her, small and fragile, sitting in my lap and wrapped in my arms, and realize that she resembles a small, scared, and innocent child. I hold her every night, and when I am supposed to be at home, I will leave for 10 minutes maximum, and the crawl back into her window, and lay with her until morning comes. I don't want to leave her alone for more than that. I love her entirely way too much to let her disappear. I need her and she needs me. One day about a month and half after her grandmother died, she asked me to go to a doctor's appointment with her. I agreed, and when we got to the doctor, what I heard, literally made me so sad, it hurt. When the doctor called both of us back, they took her height, then took her weight. She stood at 5'8, which was small compared to my 6'. When they took her weight, my heart literally broke into a million pieces for her. She stepped on the scale, and it read 89 pounds. Tears began to well up when I seen that number. She was entirely too skinny for her height, and they told her that if she didn't begin to gain weight, her body would begin to shut down and she would eventually die. When we got done with the doctor, I walked her to the car. When I drove, I held her bony, colorless hand in mine. When we got to her house, I walked her inside, and we walked back to her room. She laid down on the bed, and looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I laid down beside her, and I stared at her for a while. Her emerald green eyes, were faded to a dull gray. I rolled the sleeves up on her sweater, and seen her arm, that was barely bigger than a stick. It was literally just a bone, with skin wrapped around it. I pulled her sleeves back down, and wrapped my arms around her and began to sob into the vertebrates of the back of her neck just above her spine. Tears kept falling from my eyes, and they couldn't stop falling. I sobbed for a while, and then she picked my face up, and made me look her in the eyes. She asked me, "Why are you crying love? You have no reason to cry." I smiled a little bit,  but then my smile faded away, and I told her, "I am crying because of you love. You are wasting away in my arms, and I can't do anything to help you, except give you love. Do you still love me?" A sad looked replaced the concerned look she had a few seconds ago. She looked into my eyes and said, "Love, it is not your job to try and make me better. You are doing your job right, and giving me love is the best thing that you could ever possibly do for me. I love you now, and I will continue to love you for the rest of my life. My feelings haven't changed for you. No never mind, that's a lie. They have changed for you. I love you more than I ever have, because you have stayed, even if I am going through a lot. I love you so much, that not even the words in the dictionary, are enough to explain how much I love you." I looked at her and smiled. I bent down and kissed her softly at first but the kiss turned into one, that made you not be able to feel your face. Those are the best kinds of kisses after all. When we pulled apart, she nuzzled her head into my neck, and drifted away into a deep sleep. I loved her so much. I wish I could stay this way forever, and I was making it my goal, to do so. 


Hey guys!! I know that it is kinda short, but my wrists are hurting from typing. Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed!! :-) <3 <3 <3

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