Chapter 33- The Morning Of The Wedding

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*Orion's POV*

I sit awake in her bed staring at her beautiful sleeping face, and I watch as her eyes start to flutter open. It's 6am and she has to leave soon so that she can start getting ready for the wedding. I bend down and I kiss her eyelids, which makes her smile adorably. She opens her eyes and says in a raspy voice, "Good morning love." I smile and say, "Good morning love. Today is the day..." She nodded because she started to fall back asleep. I hated to do it but I had to wake her back up. I tell her,"I'm sorry love, but you have to get up so that you can go and meet your cousin where you're supposed to meet her at." She groaned in protest of getting out of bed, and said, "But it's freezing outside of this blanket!!" I laughed and I said, "If you want to go in your pajamas, I could cuddle you until it's time for you to leave." She looked at me, analyzing my face to find the truth, and she smiled and nodded at me. She buried her face back into my chest, but then pulled her face back out as she heard her phone start to ring. She answered it, and when she hung up, she said, "Well apparently, my cousin wants me to meet her 20 minutes early, so I have to leave now." I frowned, and she got out of bed.She pulled her hair up into a messy bun, and she slipped on her shoes. She started to shiver and I handed her my jacket and said,"You can keep this for however long you want to. I don't want you to freeze to death." She smiled, and kissed me. When we pulled apart, she walked down the hallway, and opened up the closet to get her dress and a box with her shoes in it. She walked back down the hallway to her room, so that she could grab her keys, and her cellphone. When she tried to walk past me in the hallway, I grabbed her waist, and snuggled her. I whispered "I love you." In her ear, and I let her pass me so that she could leave. I hugged her goodbye, and she walked out the front door. I heard her truck start and she drove away. I called the guys to tell them that I was ready for them to come and get me, and they told me that they were on their way. When they got there, I grabbed my tux out of the closet, and I got into the car and we drove to the church.


Thanks for reading guys!!! I hope that you enjoyed!! I know it's kinda short!! Sorry!! <3

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