Chapter 21- The Thing That Ruined Everything

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*Anesthesia's POV*

I heard my phone buzz as we began to kiss again, so I pulled away from Orion, and grabbed my phone. It was a text from Mattie. I groaned and buried my face in his chest. He looked at me and said, "What is it baby?" I told him, "I just got a text from Mattie." I handed him my phone, and he read the message. He tensed up, and moved me out of his lap. He got up off the bed, and began to walk out of my room. I got up and followed him. He walked to the front door and opened it. When he opened it, I was shocked. Standing on my doorstep was, Mattie, with his arm wrapped around Brittany's waist. I grabbed Orion's  arm to try and tell him to just close the door, but when I grabbed his arm, I felt how tense he was. He looked at me when I placed my hand on his arm, and then he grabbed my arm, and put me behind him and wrapped his arms around me, trying to protect me. His words to Mattie sounded like they contained acid, "What do you want?" Mattie looked like his words didn't bother him, while Brittany had a look on her face that said his words made him more attractive. I glared at her while Mattie said, "I just wanted to see if she was doing okay, but I wasn't expecting to find anyone else but her here." Orion looked at him and said, "Why would you care about her. You broke her heart, and you didn't feel bad about it either. You weren't here to see her suffer." Mattie cut him off before another word came out of his mouth. Mattie said, "I did care about her for your information. You can't say that I didn't feel bad because you don't even know what happened between us. Who are you to say anything about her anyway?" Orion said, "That's bull. I was there when you talked to her on the phone. I know exactly what happened. If you cared about her, you wouldn't have done what you did. I am-" I cut him off by saying, "Mattie, I would like you to meet my boyfriend Orion." Mattie looked at me with surprise, and then his expression changed to anger. He said, "How nice of you to move on so fast. Looks like you didn't actually care about me like you said you did, because if you did, you wouldn't be dating this prick." I lashed back at him with all of the anger I had bottled up twords him, and said, "He is not a prick. You were the one who CHEATED on me. I cared about you more than you will ever know or begin to understand. I loved you, but you broke the trust I had built for you because of the way you handled a simple situation. You caused me alot of pain, and you broke me. He holds me together, and he was there when you did what you did, and he held me while I cried. He has been there for me like you never could be. I am in love with him." A look of pain flashed across Mattie's face while a smile flashed across Orion's face. Mattie opened his mouth to talk, and Brittany cut him off by saying, "Anesthesia, you should get a life. Your boyfriend should break up with you too because your a mess, and he can't fix you. You don't deserve him." I looked at her and stepped out from behind Orion. I was a foot taller than her, and as I walked closer to her, her mouth opened in surprise because she realized how much bigger than her I was. I said to her, "I have a life because I don't consume all my time trying to ruin someone else's life like you do. I know I'm a mess, but he loves that about me. He might not be able to fully repair me, but he is trying his hardest to help me, and I love him for that. Your relationship is based on lies, persuasion, and an act of an ex boyfriend that can't man up. I do deserve him, and he deserves me. I know that he loves me, while you don't even know if your boyfriend is cheating on you right now. Now tell me, which relationship sounds better to you?" She looked at me, then looked back at Orion, and said, "I think that me and Orion here sound like a better relationship than the options you gave me." I reached out my hand, and smacked her across the face as hard as I could. Orion, Mattie, and Brittany looked shocked because none of them had ever seen me hit someone before. My hand was stinging, and her face was turning red as she was clutching it. I asked her, "Now that you understand, which relationship sounds better to you?" She replied timidly, "Yours." I said, "That's what I thought. Now I suggest that if you don't want that to happen again, I would go get in the car while Orion finishes talking to Mattie." She nodded and rushed back to Mattie's car and got in as fast as she could. I looked back to Mattie and asked, "What's your real reason for coming here Mattie?" He said to me, "I miss you and I came here to get you back." I scoffed at him and said, "if you wouldn't have done what you did, then you would still have me, but as you can see, you made a REALLY stupid mistake, and you're not getting me back. I am happy and in love with someone that is honest and loves taking care of me. I don't want to be with you again." He looked sad, and reached out to me. He grabbed my waist and tried to pull me close. Orion seen what he was doing, so he reached out, and put his arm protectively over my chest, and pushed me away from Mattie. He got in front of me and yelled, "EXCUSE ME? DID YOU NOT HEAR A WORD THAT JUST CAME OUT OF HER GORGEOUS MOUTH? SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. YOU WERE STUPID AND NOW SHE'S MINE, AND I LOVE HER AND I WON'T LEAVE HER OR LET HER GO. IF YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN, I PROMISE YOU THAT YOU WON'T LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Mattie smirked and said, "Whatever. You don't know what she wants. She loves me dude. Accept it." That was a big mistake on Mattie's part because the next thing I know, Orion is in Mattie's face and punched him so hard he fell on the ground. When he knocked Mattie on the ground, he spit on him, and said, "Do you understand me now? Stay away from here. I suggest you get up off the ground, and leave before I kill you." Mattie nodded, got up off the ground, and walked to his car. Orion turned around, and pulled me close. He pressed his lips to mine and we kissed passionately until we heard Mattie's car drive. I knew automatically that he did that to show off and make Mattie jealous. I smiled because I thought it sweet of him to do that. We kissed again, and then went back inside to cuddle on the couch and watch Adventure Time. 


Thank you for reading. I hope that you enjoyed it. <3 

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