Chapter 27- He Makes Me Angry

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*Jeremy's POV*

I noticed them as they started walking twords where the guys were sitting, but I noticed her first. She had bright purple hair, and she was laughing about something. She was hot, and I wanted to know who she was. When they made it to where we were standing, I noticed more about her. She had bright emerald green eyes, skin as pale as a sheet of paper, a nice smile, and she was gorgeously curvy. She was wearing a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and an emerald green sweater that matched her eyes. She had many piercings as well. Her septum, nose, and dimples were pierced. She also had Angel Bites, and it made her look twice as hot as before. I was introduced to her, and found out her name was Anesthesia. Even her name was hot. I was also introduced to the guy that was being VERY protective of her, and his name was Orion. He was about 6' tall, had bright artificial red hair, and he had piercings as well. His septum, lip, tongue, and dimples were pierced. I watched how he held her, and I realized that she hadn't said a word the whole time. I asked if she talked, and he smartly responded for her. I watched them, and then the bell rang, and they walked in front of us. He put his hand in her back pocket and she did the same to him. It made me want to get sick that she even had a little bit of interest for him. When we got to the doorway of our first class, they stopped and they started to kiss, and I cleared my throat to make them stop. I seen her blush and I thought that was hot. I needed to know more about her. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All of us walked to lunch together, while Orion and Anesthesia held hands. I hated seeing them together, and I just wanted to push him away from her, and hold her hand instead of him being the one holding her hand. I just kept my mouth shut, and all of us got our lunch. We walked outside to the sign that we sat at this morning. We sat in a circle in the grass, and we all started to eat. It was the first time that I hadn't seen them holding hands, or kissing each other. It made me happy that they couldn't do that stuff when they were eating. I picked up my phone after staring at her, and I started to text Casey because I had questions about her that I needed answers to. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jeremy- Hey dude. I have got some questions, will you help me out?

Casey- Sure dude. What's up?

Jeremy- What is up with Orion hanging all over Anesthesia? Are they a thing?

Casey- Okay, first, they are a thing. They got engaged on her birthday a few days ago. Second, he is REALLY protective over her, and he gets really pissed off if anyone looks at her in a weird way, or if they make a comment about her that he doesn't like. I don't blame him though. If my girlfriend looked like her, then I would be protective too.

Jeremy- Oh... I think she's really hot though. What do you know about her?

Casey- None of us really know a whole lot about her. She is pretty reserved about her life but I can tell you everything that I know. 

Jeremy- K. Thanks dude.

Casey- Np bro. Okay, here we go...

1.She is shy and quiet when you first meet her, but when you hang out with her more, then she starts to open up, and talk.

2.She is REALLY funny.

3.She is very sensitive about her grandmother. She died not that long ago.

4.She is ALWAYS with Orion, and he never leaves her side.

5.Her birthday is on Halloween.

6.Her hair has been purple since 7th grade.

7.She is 18 years old.

That's all I know dude. I'm sorry that I don't know more.

Jeremy- Wow... thanks, this helps alot. 

Casey- No problem dude. Anytime.


Thanks for reading guys!!! I hope that you enjoyed. I love you guys!! <3

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