Chapter 16- When The Week Ended

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*Orion's POV*

I woke up Friday morning, and I started to smile. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, and texted Anesthesia.


Orion- Good morning my love!! <3 I can't wait to see you. I missed you last night. I hope that you're freezing so that I can cuddle you. :-) I will be over in 30 min. to come get you. I love you baby. <3


I didn't get a reply, so I assumed that she had seen it, but was finishing up getting ready. I got dressed and put a beanie on since I had a massive case of bed head, but not enough time to straighten it. I opened up my window, and crawled out. I walked over to her window, and threw a small pebble at it. I waited a few minutes, and when she finally opened up her window, I crawled in. When I got into the window, she was dressed for the day and her hair was done, but she was laying face down on the bed. I walked over to her, and flipped her over onto her back. I knew something was really wrong because she had no makeup on, and her eyes were puffy and swollen from crying. I sat down and wrapped her in my arms, and she exploded into a mass of loud sobs and tears that soaked the front of my shirt. I let her cry for a while, and when she was calm enough to speak, I asked her what was wrong. Tears started to well up in her eyes again. She looked me right in the eye and said, "My grandmother had a heart attack last night, and she died in the hospital really early this morning. I slipped up." When she said that I knew exactly what she meant. She rolled up her sleeve to reveal hundreds of fresh, tiny marks on her arm. She had cut this morning after she found out, and because I was an idiot, I wasn't here to try and stop her. I wasn't here early this morning, to hold her as she cried, to kiss her and tell her everything would be okay, and I wasn't here to help make her happy. I looked at her with sadness in my eyes that I knew she seen, and told her, "It's okay baby. It's understandable with the circumstances. I am so sorry that I didn't stay last night. I really should have. I'm so sorry baby." I laid my head on hers, and I started to cry because I felt bad because I wasn't there to stop her or to comfort her. She lifted my face up and she looked into my eyes, and she said, "You're blaming yourself for what I did aren't you love? Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. I love you so much and I don't want you to cry." She kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her into my chest. When we both realized that we were gonna be late if we didn't leave, we got up and headed out her window to my car. We drove to school in silence while I was holding her hand. We got into the school parking lot, and I turned off the car. I looked over at her and noticed that she had been crying for the whole car ride. I got out of the car, and walked over to her door. I opened it, and picked her up, held her in my arms, closed the car door, and carried her over to the sign where all the guys were standing. I sat down and held her in my lap while she was sobbing into my chest. I was getting strange looks from the guys, so I shook my head at them. We heard the bell ring, so she wiped the tears off her face, and stood up. I bent down and kissed her, and held her hand while we walked to class. I got texts from all the guys asking if I knew what was wrong with her. I told them all the same thing, That her grandmother had died, and she was REALLY upset about it. They gave me their sympathies to give to her. By the end of the day, she looked exhausted. When we left our last class and walked into the hallway, I picked her up in my arms and carried her like a baby, while she buried her face in my chest, and exploded into all the tears that she wasn't allowed to cry in school. I said goodbye to the guys, and carried her to the car.I opened her door, and put her in and buckled her up. I got into the car, and when I was about to start the car, he phone started to ring. She looked at me with a look that said,I can't answer it, will you do it for me?  i picked up her phone and I answered it only to discover that it was her mom. I told her that Anesthesia was in the bathroom and I answered her phone. She told me that she wasn't gonna be home for another week because of funeral and financial planning, and she asked me if I would stay at the house with Anesthesia because she already talked to my mother and she said that it was okay. I told her that I would and she hung up because she was dealing with the attorney at the moment. I looked over at Anesthesia and told her that I would be staying another week with her. It made her smile a little, but I knew that she was practically dying inside from the pain she felt about losing her grandmother. I grabbed her hand, and drove. When we got back to her house, I parked the car and picked her up out of the car and carried her inside. I went into her room and set her down on the bed. I laid down next to her and wrapped her in my arms. She got as close to me as she could and she buried her face in my chest and started to cry again. She stayed that way for about 3 hours, and I started to cry with her once the first hour was up. She soon got tired of crying and fell asleep. I held her, and kept stroking her hair while she slept. When she awoke at about 4 am, I asked, "Did sleep make the pain go away love?" She nodded, and I knew she was about to cry again. I asked her if she wanted to eat, and she shook her head. I told her, "Baby, I know that you're in pain, but I don't remember the last time you ate. You need to eat something love." She finally agreed with me. So I wrapped her up in an blanket, picked her up off the bed, and carried her out to my car. She didn't ask where we were going, so I guess that she trusted me. I got in, started the car, grabbed her hand, and started to drive. I drove up to the drive through of Taco Bell, since I knew that it was her favorite. I ordered her food and then ordered mine. I got the food, and drove to Walmart. I parked the car, and turned it off. I said, "I brought you to the parking lot of Walmart to eat Taco Bell with me. It's probably the best idea for a first date, in the history of first dates." I seen a smile creep across her face. I smiled because I was happy to see her smile again. I pulled her over into my lap, and we ate in silence. Then I bent down and kissed her. When I pulled away, I tucked her head into my neck, and we just sat there. I was holding her, while she was trying her best to hold in the tears that wanted so badly to escape. While I was holding her, I could feel her pain, and I wished automatically, that I could take it away. i loved her so much and it hurt me to see her this way, but I can guarantee that I wasn't ever gonna leave her alone at night ever again, no matter what it took. I was gonna stay, and I wasn't gonna leave.


Hey guys!! I know it's kinda sad. Sorry but I hope that you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!! :-) <3 

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