Chapter 7

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Bambi :

I stood outside the hospital with nothing or no one on my mind, but my brother. After Lay had called me with the news, I had a mental break down. All I could do was ask myself questions. Why Jamir? Why was he there? Who did it? Why did it have to be my brother? , but the question that weighed on my heart the most was Will he make it? I love my brother, no matter how much we argue and he aggravates me, I wouldn't trade him for the world. I sat on the bench outside of the hospital secluded from everyone else who waited inside. I wanted some time alone from everyone because if it was hitting anyone, it was hitting me the hardest.

"Baby girl.", BJ said while standing over me and looking down. I didn't even look up at him, I just sat there and continued to silently cry my overflowing tears.

After a minutes of standing over me, he sat down next to me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I laid my head into his chest and cried into him.

"Why did it have to be my brother BJ? WHY!?", I called out in the darkness of the night.

"I don't know baby girl but, just know if I'm here for you.", he said before kissing my forehead and placing his chin on my head. We sat there for about another 30 minutes before deciding to go back inside.

Once we made it back inside, Lay called everyone together.

"I don't know what happened and I don't know who's to blame, but we must stay prayed up. Everybody grab hands and we're going to pray together.", she said before reaching her hands out for mine and JJ's. Leggo, Tony, Cloud, Ricko, Brandon, and some random female all began to lock hands. Sadly, my parents couldn't book a flight back to Tallahassee until next week, so they weren't present at the moment. After we all finished locking hands into a complete circle, Lay began to pray.

"Father God, we come to you today, not for ourselves, but for our family. We may not be family by blood, but we are connected at the heart and through you father God. We are coming to you right now in a time of need and we are desperate for you to hear our prayers. We are asking that you touch the heart of Jamir King Williams and his family in this time of need. We pray that you work through these doctors and allow him to make it past this setback in his life Father God, in your name we pray, Amen."

I began crying half way through the prayer and Brandon pulled me into his embrace. As Lay, BJ, Tony, and I all went to take our seats, Cloud, Ricko, JJ and Leggo went outside. At this point, I didn't even care. I was just hoping, praying and dreaming that my baby brother pulls through.

JJ :

"What the fuck happened?", I asked while looking at Cloud, Ricko and Leggo.

"We were in the Colessium, just chillin' in the V.I.P section when we seen Forty and some nigga conversating and pointing in our direction. After a few minutes, we decided to slide because we knew some shit was about to go down, but by the time we made it down from the V.I.P section, they started letting shots go. So, Ricko and I pulled out our piece and started firing back. Jamir ass was standing up like he was froze or some shit so I pulled him down next to me. Once we got close to the exit he ran and I don't know what happened after that. All I know is when the shots stopped and when I found Jamir body on the ground, I seen Rosco running off with his piece in his hand.", Leggo said.

"So you mean to tell me, not only is Rosco fucking with Forty, but he also put a shot in my brother! AW HELL NA! Why was he at the Colessium anyway, he ain even old enough?", I said. Mad wasn't even the word for what I was at the moment. This shit all the way fucked up.

"He asked me could he slide and I told him he could. I didn't know this shit was gonna happen man, I swear.", Leggo said. I quickly swung on his ass instantly rocking his fucking jaw. He was the reason my brother was laying in a damn hospital bed. We started fighting as Ricko and Cloud pulled us apart.

"CAN Y'ALL FUCKING STOP!", Cloud yelled, "Y'all niggas over here fighting while Jamir in a hospital bed and Rosco and Forty running around here popping y'all loved ones."

He was right, we shouldn't be fighting, but them niggas were going to pay and that was on my mama head.

"Cloud right. We need to find these niggas ASAP because I know Rosco ass ain gonna be in y'all school no more. He gonna be hidin'.", I said.

"That mean Forty ain gonna be there either.", Leggo said.

"We gonna do some background research on this shit tomorrow morning.", I said. They all nodded and we walked back into the hospital.

We a sat there for another hour, waiting on someone to come out with some new. One hour turned into two and two hours turned into three, still with no news. This shit was getting stressful.

"Family of Jamir William?", a doctor called from the doors that led to the back rooms.

"We're here.", Jamerica said.

"Well, as you all know. Jamir was shot and the bullet was in his chest. The bullet so happened to be 2 centimeters away from his heart and we-"

"Man, fuck all that, is my brother gonna be okay?", I said getting really frustrated and impatient with this man's explanation.

"I'm sorry to inform you that Jamir did not make it, due to is internal bleeding and how close the bullet was to his heart.", he said.


BJ :


That's all I could think.


I could only imagine how my baby was feeling right now. All I could see was tears and hurt in her face. I hated to see her like this.

I held her in my arms as we stood in the waiting room of the hospital. My shirt was becoming stained with her tears, but I didn't even care, she was hurting and it was making me hurt. I looked around at everyone else, Lay was crying on Tony as Ricko and Cloud hung their heads low. JJ and Leggo had left right after the new was presented.

"Take. Me. Home", Bambi said between her sniffles. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and we began to walk out to my car. Once onside, I drove straight to her house.

Once we pulled up to her house, she got out and walked to the door. I pressed the button to cut my car off and proceeded to follow her as she walked into the house. Her crib was fly for it to be on the South side. We walked up to her room and put her things on her dresser before kicking off her J's and laying down on her bed. Her room was a light purple with white furniture and lining. She hasn't spoke to me since we got here, but I don't blame her, some shit doesn't need to be explained.

Soon after she laid down, I kicked my shoes off and laid down next to her. I wrapped my arm around her waste and pulled her closer to me.

"Baby girl, I know you're upset, but just know I'm here for you, you're my princess and we're going to get through this together.", I said before kissing her forehead. She turned around to face me, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

I wiped her cheeks and kissed her lips gently. Damn, she was so precious, I really hate to see her like this. I looked at the clock sitting on her nightstand, 1:30 A.M. , damn. Bambi got up and walked into her closet and pulled out some clothes, then walked into the bathroom. I laid on her bed and texted my mom to let her know where I am. I got up and began to look at some of the decorations in her room. I seen pictures in white frames of her and her family. She had a lot with her brothers, but more with Jamir than with JJ. I could tell they all were close tho.

After about 30 minutes, she came out of the bathroom in some shorts and a big tee-shirt. Her curly black hair and purple highlights were put up into a high ponytail above her head. She gave me a slight smile before walking out the room. A few minutes later, she came back with a pair of gym shorts and a tee-shirt. I handed her back the tee-shirt before going into her bathroom to changed. Once I walked back into her room, she was laid down half way asleep. I slipped into the bed next to her and turned the opposite way. I just laid there, I couldn't sleep.

"Brandon, I can't sleep.", she said. I turned around to see her facing me. I pulled her into me and she laid her head on my bare chest. After a few minutes, I could hear her breathing lowly on my chest. I kissed her cheek and whispered a low " sleep tight baby girl ", and then drifted off into a deep sleep.

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