Chapter 26

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Lay :

School starts back tomorrow and the new year has finally began. I can't wait until prom and graduation. Senior year is flying by and I am really loving it. Bambi and I are on our way back to Tallahassee from Orlando from dress shopping. We both spent hours in stores trying on dresses, accessories, and shoes until we could decide on what we wanted. We decided to get our dress and shoes in Orlando, so no one could have anything we have on.

"So, who you goin' to prom with best friend?", I asked Jamerica as I sipped on my Tropical Smoothie.

"Rashod. We decided on it when I seen him in the mall.", she said with a smirk.

"Damn, we haven't seen him in a minute. He still fine?", I asked with a laugh. Rashod was always a handsome looking boy, of many talents.

"Yeah, he cute still. He got big things goin' for himself, full scholarship and all."

"Speakin' of big things. Have you talked to BJ at all.", I asked out of curiosity.

"No. We aren't on speakin' terms. I don't talk to people that lie and cheat.", she said with a clenched jaw. I could tell the conversation itself was making her angry, but we need to talk about this.

"Yeah, but why don't you try to talk to him Jamerica? He needs you right now more than anything."

"He has Moniece and his drug money. He doesn't need me for a damn thing.", she said with a straight face. I decided to drop the conversation, resulting in a silent ride.


Once we arrived back in Tally, Bambi dropped me off at home. I decided to call Tony and let him know that I am home.

"Hey baby."

"Hey boo, I'm home."

"Want me slide yo way?"

"Um.. Nah, I'll come to your house because I need to shower and put these things away."

"Aight. Hit my line when you on the way."

"Alright boo."

"Bye cry baby."

Once I got off the phone with Tony, I went to go place my items into my closet and then went to shower. I made sure to scrub myself really good and use some smell good since I am going to see my baby. I hoped out the shower and slipped into my Adidas joggers, some socks, Nike slides and a white shirt. I placed my hair into a messy bun and put on my diamond stud earrings. I grabbed my keys, put my wallet in my pocket and walked out the house to my car. Damn, I was ready to spend some time with my baby. We have been together for almost five months and I have loved everything about it.

Once I pulled up to his building. I walked to his door and knocked on it. He came and answered which instantly let me know that his mom wasn't home. She usually never is. He had on a pair of sweatpants, some socks and a bare chest. I immediately went to shower his face with kisses, starting with his forehead and ending on his lips.

"Damn, you must be happy to see ya boy.", he said with a smirk. I made a pouting face before responding.

"Of course, I always be missin' my baby.", I said. He kissed my forehead before heading into the kitchen.

"I know your ass hungry!", he said with a smirk.

"Hell yeah. Feed me nigga."

"Here." He handed me a plate of Chipotle. This is why I love him. He asked me to come over because he decided to go and get me Chipotle. I smirked really wide before walking up to his room. He popped in a movie and we started watching as we sat at his headboard eating on my Chipotle.

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