Chapter 18

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BJ :

It's been a couple weeks since the break up. I was alright at first, but now it's really starting to hit me. I thought she would've came back to me by now and we would've been back on good terms. I used to text her, but I stopped once I realized my company was unwanted. I still see her every day at school, but I've fell back in with Moniece so I never speak. Moniece and I are kickin' it, but we aren't an item. She be with them schemin' broads that got beef with Bambi and Lay. They are some grimmy females and they nasty as hell. I picked that up due to the fact that they are always around when I'm with Moniece. Diane is about 6 months pregnant now (supposedly) , but she doesn't seem that big and Taymar is the quiet one. She doesn't say much and I can actually tolerate her, but Diane is just a dirty hoe.

Right now, I was sittin' at Chili's waiting on Quan to show up. Quan is in the game and I'm trying to get in so I can pick up some extra cash. I finally got a job at DTLR, but that's not bringing in enough bread, so the streets are all I got left. Once Quan showed up, we discussed the streets and everything.

"So, you want in?", Quan asked to make sure that I was really trying to get in the game for real.

"Yeah man, I need that fast money, I have a little sister in the way and my job at the mall isn't cuttin' it.", I said.

"Alright man, well you know, I'm in this thing all by myself. I don't have nobody over me, I have my connect with a homie who grow and cook his own shit. I get it from him and I pay him a cut for the merchandise. I'll link up with you when I get the merchandise and we can make sales together then split is 50-50.", Quan said. I was hype about him being independent about the shit because I hate having a nigga telling me what to do.

"Alright, I'm down.", I said trying to shake on it, but Quan stopped me.

"Look man, this is what it is. When you independent about your shit like I am, you have to he careful. Niggas will pop you for sellin' on their streets and you never know where twelve is. Once you get involved, you can always get out because we independent, but I can't promise you that you'll make it to see that day.", Quan said looking serious. I let this run through my mind and it made me completely change my mind, until I thought about that I found my mom on her knees.

"I understand, but I'm still down man.", I said with all seriousness. We shook hands and then parted ways. Well, looks like I'm officially a drug dealer.


Saturday night rolled around pretty quick and Moniece had told me about a party at fusion. At first I refused, but once Tony told me Bambi was going to be there, I hailed ass to the mall to scoop up a new fit for the night and some manly smell good. Females always say "it ain't nothin' like a nigga who smell how he look" and I damn sure look good. I took a twenty minute shower with my axe body wash. My mom had brought me some lotion from the men's section of Bath and Body Works which I was finally going to put to use tonight. I moisturized my skin with lotion and sprayed myself with a little cologne. I slipped into some black leather joggers, a white shirt with a flag like design and some Jordan 6's. I went into my top drawer and dug to the bottom before pulling out two Gold chains. One of which were my father's and the other was one that my mom had bought me the day he died. I slipped them over my head and sprayed a little cologne over me before grabbing my phone and keys.

I went into my moms room where she was sound asleep and kissed her forehead before walking out the house and locking the door behind me. I hopped into my black on black challenger and headed to the party. I pulled up to the party and headed in while showing my highschool I.D. I didn't have plans on finding Moniece because I didn't want to be bothered with her. I walked around the club until I found Tony.

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