Chapter 30

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Bambi :

"So, how is Kyri?", I asked my brother as we sat in Denny's, eating breakfast.

"She's great actually, she's going to be takin' her exams very soon, so I've been givin' her space so she can study and all that other good shit.", he said while biting on his bacon.

"That's what's up, tell her I said good luck and keep her head up. I heard college ain' no joke, and she has to go to law school.", I replied.

"I'll do that, but what's up with you and ole boy.", he asked. My body tensed up at him mentioning BJ.

"We're cool. We're back on talking terms, but I don't think I can trust him anymore. We had a heart to heart moment, but my trust for him is completely gone.", I said. I took a sip of my orange juice, so I could avoid making eye contact with JJ. He could read my mind, and understand me so well, just by looking in my eyes. That was always something him and Jamir had in common.

"You love this lil nigga?", he asked me with a serious tone and expression.

"I don't know, I think I do. I believe I do.", I sighed.

"Well, if you love him, you'll forgive him. He still a young nigga, he not a man yet sis. He still out here makin' dumb decisions and actin' like a ain' shit ass nigga. Not only that, he got a lot goin' on. Give him time to grow up, but stand by him, whether y'all together or not. I can tell you got a lot of heart for the kid and from the way his demeanor has changed without you, he loves you too. Just give him a chance to get his shit together, and trust me, he'll come around.", he said. I nodded my head, taking in everything that he stated. It was true, BJ did need to grow up and I was going to be there for him through whatever.

Once JJ and I finished eating, he paid and we both went our separate ways. I wanted to go home, but then again, I didn't because my parents were in one of their epic arguing stages. After debating with myself for a few minutes, I decided to just head home. I'll just stay in my room until something pops up. I just want to thank the Lord that I only have one more week left of highschool, considering I am a senior. Then, another week after, I'll be graduating.

I pulled up into our driveway and parked, before getting out. I walked into our front yard, to see clothes and shoes all over the place.

What the fuck?

My dad's car wasn't in the front yard, so I assumed he was gone. I walked into the house to see my mom dragging a garbage bag outside.

"Mom, what are you doin'?", I asked.

"Your father has tried it for the last damn time, he is gettin' the hell out of my house!", she yelled, while going back down the hall and returning with another bag.

"Momma, just chill, whatever he did, y'all can talk through it. This isn't right man.", I protested. I really didn't feel like dealing with this bullshit today. I just wanted a little positivity, but that didn't seem to work out.

"No, you don't tell me what to do! Just go to your room Jamerica, or you can get the hell out my house, along with your father!", she yelled at me while pointing her finger in my face. I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed my Nike duffle bag and began stuffing it with clothes. I really didn't need all this negativity and she was on the fuckery right now. Once I finished stuffing my bag with clothes, I went in my bathroom and gathered all of my personal hygiene items, jewelry and other necessities I would want. I finally took my phone out of my purse and placed it inside of my duffel, along with all of its other contents, before returning back downstairs. I gave my mother an uneasy glare before exiting my house. I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to get the hell away from here.

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