Chapter 28

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Bambi :

I was sitting in sixth period, waiting on my English class to be over with. I really didn't have any worries because the last nine weeks were finally here and all of my grades were looking amazing. The last nine weeks are only six weeks for seniors because our school year is over with early. I only have three class to take and I will be able to leave early because I have already completed the other three courses. Now, I am just waiting for graduation to approach in May. The bell rang for the school day to end and the teacher handed us our report cards as we walked out the door. I got A's and B's in every class except Philosophy. I had a C, but it'll have to do because that man is so damn difficult.

Alayah hadn't showed up to school today, so I had told her earlier to meet me at Hungry Howies. I pulled up in the parking lot and went inside before ordering a meat lovers pizza with cinnamon crust, with a side of mozzarella sticks, and a bottle of pineapple soda. I sat down in one of the booths and waited for her to show up. When she did, Tony and BJ walked in behind her and they all squeezed into the booth.

"So why weren't you at school foolie?", I asked Alayah.

"Chy. I had to stay home because my mama said she didn't want to be home by herself today. We need to get her a bae.", she said in between laughs. We all bust out laughing at her.

"Dead bruh. She already got a bae. Leggo is her bae.", I said.

"Nah, she need a real bae, but speaking of him. When the last time you heard from him?", she asked.

"I haven't heard from him since that night.", I said. She obviously knew what I was talking about, so I didn't feel the need to emphasize.

"I just seen him a couple weeks ago. He has gone lowkey as fuck yo.", Tony said. Brandon sat in front of me, next to Tony texting away on his phone.

"So what's up drug dealer?", Alayah asked him with a smirk. This bitch is a trip.

"Stop callin' me that shit, and everything over this way is great. I quit my job at DTLR.", he said with a smirk. I looked at him like he had five eyes, why in the hell would he do that?

"Why?", I asked him. I usually won't talk to him at all. After our little situation at prom we went right back to our old ways. It was just a one night kind of thing, nothing more.

"Why work at DTLR when I could be full time sellin' trees and makin' four times as much."

"As a cover up just in case they tryin' to bust you. They can't say your money is dirty, but I have nothin' else to say because stupid do what stupid does.", I said while rolling my eyes.

I swear he dumb as shit.

"Chill out on all that. You just mad because your nigga ain' got this cheese and my cheese not being spent on you."

"What the fuck ever Brandon. Don't nobody give a fuck about your drug money. Only thing that's going to happen is that your ass is goin' to get fucked up in these streets because you don't know the game.", I semi yelled at him.

"Okay, well shut the fuck up and stop worryin' about what the fuck I got goin' on over here. Why the fuck are you worried about me anyway?", he replied while looking into my eyes

Because I care.

The answer to that question replayed over and over in my mind, but I couldn't bring myself to give him that answer. I just sat there and looked into his eyes before deciding to drop the whole conversation. My number for my food was called and I went up to grab the food. I ate in silence as they all conversed back and forth while eating on the food.

Lay :

I laid in Tony's room on his bare chest as he felt on my booty through my spandex. My breast laid smushed under me in my sports bra. This was much needed after such a long day at home with all my mom's nagging. I started to drift to sleep when he began smackin' my booty.

"Bae stop.", I said with my eyes closed. He smacked it again.

"Babe stop.", I said while opening my eyes and lifting my head.

"What's my name?", he asked while smirking at me.

"Tony Johnson.", I said while rolling my eyes and laying my head back down on his chest. He smacked it again, but harder this time.

"That ain' it.", he said.

"Stop fuckin' hittin' me or I'm goin' to punch you dead in your shit and I'm not fuckin' playin'.", I said while pinching his nipple. He groaned a little before popping my hand while shifting me father up on his chest by my ass. I looked up at him with an evil smirk, we both knew that I was not about to play these games with him.

"Gimme kiss.", he said while looking past me into the TV that sat on top of his dresser. He sat up with his back against the head board. I rose up from where my head lay and threw my leg over his lower half, where his member sat in his boxers. I straddled him and looked him in his eyes as I kissed him passionately. His hands connected to my ass as our lips moved in sync.

"Baby, when is your next game?", I asked him as I pulled my face away from him.

"The next game is April 5th.", he said.

"Damn, that's like a month before graduation boo.", I said with a smirk. He smiled at me before kissing my lips again.

"I know, we goin' to get the fuck out of Tally baby girl.", he said with a smile.

"Hell yeah, but you know I applied to the college in England right?", I asked him His smile dropped quickly and he looked me in my eyes. I could tell by the way he clenched his jaw that he was mad. He always gets mad when we get on the topic of me going to England for college.

"Baby, I know it's your dream, but why England?", he asked.

"Research shows that they have some of the best colleges for Physiology and I need the best if I plan on gettin' a good job in the future. I already sent in the paper work, so you need to not be mad. Plus, you're my boyfriend, don't you want me to chase my dreams?"

"I do baby, and don't ever doubt that. It's just goin' to be hard no havin' my Lay baby with me.", he said while holding his head down. I lifted his chin up with my index figure.

"You know Lay baby will always love you, even if we are thousands and thousands of miles apart.", I told him.

"Now, where do you plan on going for college?", I asked.

"Probably to UCF or somewhere down south. I don't want to be to far from ma dukes. UCF are already offering me a scholarship and UM has been sending scouts to check me out. I applied to both already, so we'll see how the shit go.", he said.

"What about BJ?"

"He quit basketball after the first Varsity game, even though he was one of the star players on the team. Now all he do is smoke weed, get drunk, and sell drugs. I personally don't think he goin' to college, but I'd love to see my homie make it."

"Have you tried talkin' to him?", I asked.

"Nah, every time I bring it up, he uses the same 'I have to help my mama' , excuse. I keep tellin' him that he would be helpin' his mama by goin' to college, but all he care about is the fast money.", he said. He looked as though this was taking a toll on his mental. Shit, I would feel like this to if Jamerica tried to become a stripper or some shit.

"I'll try to talk to him boo, but in the mean time, just keep grindin'.", I told him while kissing his cheek. He nodded at me and I got off of his lap and laid next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and we both drifted off.

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