Chapter 17

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JJ :

"Boss, I think I found somethin'.", said one of the nerds that goes by the name of Gus. I swear, if he has the feed from the night my brother got killed, I'm going to put him on the team. I walked over to where he sat at the large, round table in the bando. The nerds have been coming back and forth to the trap for three weeks straight, trying to find this footage.

"Look, the camera footage is up, but it's replaying the same thing back to back. Also, if you pay close attention, the clock on the wall is resetting back to the same time, every time it replays. Whoever killed your brother, tampered with the tapes. We've hit a dead end.", he said while looking at me. My blood was boiling and I was shocked to know that we weren't dealing with a dumb nigga. The video didn't show much, besides the fact that Leggo and Ricko were shooting back at somebody and Jamir ended up getting popped. I couldn't even see Rosco during the moment Jamir got shot, but I did see when he ran out. His was definitely a dead end.

I went into my office inside the bando and pulled a picture from the wall. Behind it was a removable piece from the wall that required a code. I entered the code and it opened the portion to my money vault. I entered the combination to the vault and pulled out 100 grand. I closed everything back up securely and walked back into the conference room which held the round table. I handed Gus the 100 grand and told him he was officially a part of the team. I gave him my trap number and told him I would let him know when we link up. I sent everybody else on their way before locking up and leaving the bando.

'Meet me at the Sonny's on Capital Circle. We got some shit to discuss.'

I sent the messages to Leggo and made my way to Sonny's. I waited outside in my Avalanche until he pulled up. We walked into Sonny's and the lady at the front podium seated us and told us we will be waited shortly before taking our drink orders.

"So what's good?", Leggo asked.

I explained to him the situation about the tape and the new addition we had to the squad.

"Damn, so somebody playing.", Leggo said.

"Hell yeah, our last resort is to find either Forty or Rosco and make them talk.", I said.

"How we gonna do that?", Leggo asked.

We both sat in silence for a while as I thought about a way to track down these niggas.

"The text messages!", I semi yelled.

"Hell yeah, we'll get Gus to track and see where the message came from, or where the phone is located.", Leggo said.

We sat there and decided on having a meeting tomorrow so we can go ahead and let everybody in on the situations. The waitress interrupted our thoughts by bringing us our drinks. She sat the drinks down on the table and proceeded to taking our order.

"What would you be having today?", she asked with a slight attitude and fake smile. She was a thick, brown skinned shawt, with long, dark brown weave that faded down to a light brown. She had it parted right down the middle and her nails were freshly manicured. Her name tag said Rose.

"You", Leggo said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and went to take my order.

"I'll have a Pit Master burger, some fries and corn nuggets.", I said while handing her my menu.

"And you?", she asked, looking at Leggo.

"Same, but minus the corn nuggets.", he said while handing her his menu.

"Alright, I'll be back with your food as soon as possible.", she said before walking away. Shawty had ass for years.

"She bad fam' , better hope on that.", I said while sippin' on my Sprite.

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