When you meet again - Leonardo

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I wanted to thank Sugarflower665= my cousin for helping me and Isolight98 for good ideas

Honey Blue Blue... I MEAN LEONARDO!!!!

* Please dont kill me if I put Leos nickname one time. Honey Blue Blue. I also want to call him leochu. *
( If you dont know where I got Honey blue blue and Leochu. I got Honey blue blue from Honey boo boo and Leochu is pikachu )

You felt happy you got your parents to stop asking you where you been that night when you met the giant turtle... Your hero. 'What am I going to do IM SO BORED' you thought. But then u kept thinking about the turtle, his ocean blue eyes, and the way he fought the purple dragons. You suddenly got lost in thought. Blushing a bit. 'I think I'm going to take a walk.' Once you stepped out of your apartment. Your neighbor Heather called you. ( You guys are going to love her and Tommy and Grace. Oops! Said to much. Dont mind this! ) "Y/N" she called out running to you.
"Oh... Hey Heather how are you?"
"I'm great thanks for asking. Can u babysit grace today I really have to go right now and I can't find anyone else who is great with kids but you" She said worried you would say no. She was hoping you say yes.
" I'd love to. Now go before you are late to... Where ever your going," You smiled. Heather smiled back. She took u to her apartment.
" Okay she is doing homework right now. I'll leave you guys here for... 1 hour. Thank u again."then she left. You went to grace who was almost done with her homework.
"Hi... Grace was it?" She looked at you with a big smile. ( Grace is 7 alright )
"wow.. How did you know! You must me a MIND READER!" You giggled.
" No your mom told me. But good guess" then u both started laughing.
" What's your name miss"
" I'm Y/N."
"Y/N.... I like that name!" Then she went back to doing her homework. ' I like this kid' you thought. 'This is going to be easy'
Then you see a ginger boy cat( picture above ) walking over to Grace
" Well Good morning Tommy. How was your nap?" Grace asked... Tommy.
" Meow " Tommy answered Grace and walked towards you. When Tommy got to you. He started purring and climbed on your lap
" He likes you (Y/N) " Grace giggle and went back to homework to finished her last question. (* Now tell me who finds Tommy adorable and cute like my cat. Okay back to the story *) " Done " Grace putting away her h/w nice and neat in her book bag. Now you were wondering where Graces mom went, Heather.
" Grace? Do you know where your mom is?" You asked Grace if she knows the answer.
" She said something about a job interview," Grace looks at you. "Why do you wanna know?" Grace asked you.
" Curiosity got the best out of me," You said looking at Tommy. Who was taking a nap on your lap. (* Hey that rhymes *) You petted his head.'I know im gonna like this cat' You thought.
" Hey! I got an idea. How about we go outside and go to the park and eat some ice cream." You said smiling at Grace.
" I would love to. Will Tommy come?" Grace asked. " Sure. Does he have a leash and a collar? " Now you asked.
" Yeah I'll go get it and get ready." She left to get the collar, leash, and dressed.

*10 minutes later*

You, Grace, and Tommy were outside strolling. Then you see an ice cream truck
"Hey lets get ice cream" As you pointed at the ice cream truck. " Okay!" You guys ran to the truck and got ordered. You got F/F ( Favorite flavor ) and Grace got strawberries. Tommy didnt get any because he was a cat.

* 3 or 2 minutes brought to you by BOWSER JUICE *

You guys... Well you and Tommy were walking home. Grace fell asleep and you carried her. But, you guys got lost. "Hmm..." Thinking which way you guys went. You went to a wrong direction.
" You know your going in the wrong direction," You look up. You saw your turtle savor. He jumped down.
" Its that way. " Pointing at the right direction.
" Well thanks captain obvious " You started walking and stopped. Tommy wasn't walking. Just looking at the Turtle.
" C'mon Tommy. We got to go to Grace house. " You started walking towards Tommy. But, Tommy was purring on the turtles leg.
" I think he l likes you..." Waiting for his name.
" Leonardo. Or Leo," He said as he picked up Tommy. Tommy fell asleep on his arms.
" C'mon lets take them home ". Leo looked at you and smiled.
" Agree "

* Long time of Talking with Leo and Grace and Tommy cuddling each other*

You hear a phone ring. Leo instantly grabbed his phone.
" Yesss" He said on his phone. Then you can hear yelling.
" Alright Alright. Calm down Raph...Okay... Bye " He sighed and put away his phone.
" I got to go " Leo said pointing at the window.
" Okay. Probably Graces mom is going to be here."
You and Leo walked to the door. Said your goodbyes or Farwells. Then you were about to close the window.
"Wait!" You stopped what you were doing.
"What is it?" You lean on one arm. Leo searched in his pockets to find a piece of paper that is folded.
" Here. Text me if you want, " Leo holding the folded paper to you. You accepted it and put it in your pocket.
" I will. " Leo smiled and left. You can see him jumping roof to roof.
" I will. I promise, " You said quietly to yourself.

Finally Im done. Hope you like what I did. I did most of the work. But, Still give extra credit to my cousin Sugarflower665

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