when he saves you pt. 1

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Im going to write them all together okay


When he went to the Shredder. He was lucky he went there. He saw you begging for mercy and being tough at the same time. He smiled at your bravery. But dead worried about you. He saw you bruised. He wondered where the bravery came from.

- and hour or 30 minutes of planning for Leo to help you... Scratch that. Save you-

Shredder was threatening you. He was pissed off and wanted his question to be answered.
"Where are the turtles at?" You had no idea what he meant. All you know is 1 turtle from face to face. But you haven't seen his brothers. Just his experience of his brothers
"I don't know what your talking about," you were scared but ignoring that. You wanted to be free.

Shredder growled and walked up to you. He had rage in his eyes. He wanted to know where the turtles are. He went up to you.
"One last chance." Shredder growled and snarled
"Where. Are. THEY?!"

"Up your a-" your were interrupted by a kick on your sides. And then more pain on your sides again and your stomach. Shredder grabbed your hair.
"Wrong answer." You spat on his face with blood.

Leo by the way. Leo saw everything. (a/n: LEO SAVE YOUR GIRLFRIEND.... Erm... FRIEND) Leo saw you were trying your best to not pass out from Shredder. Leo didn't have control of his body and just RAN... Broke the window and just attacked Shredded and failed since Shredder is stronger than him (a/n: 🎶LETS GET DOWN T-... sorry...🎶) You got up on the ground and tried to help Leo but once you blinked. You were flying across the place. You crashed into a wall and everything was going black. You wanted to help but you were having trouble. You were too weak.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Was the last thing you heard.


Raph left his group and not giving them a hint where raph is at. All he wants to know is if your okay. He felt like he was being crushed. He dashed where he expected where you to be with spike. His first fight....

He saw you with spike. You were struggling to get out and Raph smirked. But, his smirks faded. He stepped back but there was a twig there and he broke it. (A/N: How did he not get a splinter.) Raph heart dropped and a sweat passing by his face.

Spike.. Er. I mean slash heard it and he looked where Raph is at.
"I know your there Raph," Spike smirked. Raph hidden and thought of doing a sneak attack on spike. So Raoh hid in the shadow and tried to sneak attack but Spike had fast reflex and hit Raph before Raph hit Spike.

"You thought you could sneak attack me Raph?" Raph growled.
"I bet you came here because of something... Or should I say. Someone."
"Why are you doing this Spike?!" Raph snarled.

"What do I want. I don't know. Let me think. Revenge. " Spike paused a moment and made Raph angry and scared a little. But angry mostly.
"Also. The names. SLASH!!!" Spike running towards Raph with his weapon. You (a/n: you were still in the bag) sneakly came out of the bag while Raph and Spike fight. You saw... Raph? Whatever his name is. (a/n: You don't know him still okay... Okay I'll probably shut up now.) So you ran up to Spike and attacked him. Raph went wide eyed and thought you were crazy. But he was glad to have help from help. Until.

Spike grabbed you by the leg and flung you to a wall and you blacked out. Raph got angry but had the perfect chance to escape. Raph flings himself to Raph then Raph threw a smoke bomb on the ground... Roof and got you and went to his place.

I'm going to do the rest for another time. Probably tomorrow.
Its 1:34 a.m and I'm tired.
Hope you enjoy this part!
Donnie and Mikey part 2 in another time.

See ya!

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