When you get captured - Donnie

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It was 12:30 A.M. You were falling. You get the bed ready.
"[Yawns] Man, what a busy day helping my dad and listening to that lady talking how much she 'loooooovesss' him. Gosh she makes me irradiated" You can hear them talking and you got a headache and rubbed your temples and yawned.
"What time is it?" You got up and got your phone and it said... 1:00 AM!
'It's 1 AM already?!' You quickly fell asleep
Perverted man p.o.v

'Yezzz! Sheezzzz azleep now hahahaha!' I started laughing and then I coughed.
"Excuzzee me he he he"
'Now letzz go and get her' I go to the window and it looks open. So I 'went through' it. I accidentally crashed myself onto the window and it hurted! Then I hear a gasp and a flop.
'Whew she didn't bother' Now I checked if I had everything for the plan I have. Or experiment. So i see I have everything and I go to the gurl window and carefully see if it was open and it wasnt. Dang it. I try and figure out how to open the window

* An hour and a half by this creep trying to get inside your house *

"FINALLY I HAZZZ DID IT" I open the window carefully but, the window did not cooperate with me. It slide down and crushed my big hand and it hurted like buzz light year!
"[Holding in the scream but couldnt] AHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed like Jerry from Tom and jerry. I quickly get my hand out of the window and get into cover.
"Hello? Anyone? Huh, I guess that person left or for scared and ran away"

Your p.o.v

I was walking back to bed because I heard a girl scream. I walk into bed and flop on the bed and sleep. Then I felt someone staring at me. I wake up and see someone in the house. I was about to scream until that person or monster! Put a rag on my mouth and I inhaled it and I knocked out.


I hoped you like this story my Pina coladas sorry if I'm not updating it's because of this stupid project and my mother not letting me use the phone. Okay see ya my Pina Coladas

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