When you meet again - Donnie

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Like the pic dont ya. It's funny. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Okay it wasnt that funny... I feel stupid doing these.

Donatello Scissorshand

You were doing your homework you were kind of angry at your parents kind of asking you a bunch of questions about where you been why you were so late. But then he heard knocking on the front door. You went to go answer it and it was your neighbor. Heather.

"Yes. How may I help you Mrs. Heather?" you look at Heather. Heather looked at you with plead in her eye.

"(Y/N) (Y/N) can you please please~ take care of grace?" Heather looked at you with hope. You looked at Heather and smiled 'I guess I could take care of Grace. Plus, I could get away from my parents' you thought for awhile amd made Heather got worried and thinking that you might say no.
"Sorry to make you wait Heather but I'll go take care of grace," as you said that. Heather was relieved you said yes.
" Thank you (Y/N). I really appreciate it." After that Heather took off. 'How come she didn't take Grace with her? Maybe she was invited to a adult party?' You said your goodbyes quickly to your parents before they asked you where you were going. You were walking over there but you had a feeling that someone was watching you. You being a little paranoid you looked around and moved a little faster. You heard something and that something sounded like talking and that talking sounded robotic.
'Oh no! Its the... What are their names?' You were interrupted by their plan

"Kraang needs to find this thing known as 'girl' that could help our plan," as The 'Kraang' was talking to the other 2... Wait. Were they talking about you. You were so deep in thought you forgot that there were more of them. The Kraang behind you speaked.
"The girl as which is known now as #1738 that will help us with our plan to get the which as known as Turtles and experiment on them." The Kraang said as it holded you.
"Hey Let me go!!" You struggled and struggled until you got tired. The Kraang were talking and you saw a figure. Could it be your hero! Or it could be an illusion. You sighed. Then you heard a Thump. Then you see that the Kraang holding you wasn't there. You then saw the other Kraang disapper and you saw the... Squid? Or Octopus? Come out of its body.

It screamed because it was bare naked and weak and it made you scream.
"Ahhh!!!!" You jumped and landed on your tooshie. You rubbed your butt.
"Ow." You heard a chuckle from the shadow. You jumped and looked where the sound came from. You slowly walked towards it and your hero got scared and magically jumped onto the roof.
"Uh... Thanks for the save?!" As you said that you saw a piece of paper flowing to your face. You caught it and saw it had his name and number. Then you remembered where you have to go. 'Hopes up that Im not late to Graces house. If not then I'm probably going to killed by Heather or....*Gulps* my mom' you shivered when you thought of your mom. But you made it to Graces house and no one suspected a thing. But you still remembered that note.


Sorry if it sucked. Im just hype about things. Plus im running out of details to put these story parts.
Im probably or probably not going to put Karai x Girl!Reader or April x Girl!Reader. It... Sounds..... AWSOME!
Just kidding not it doesnt. But maybe in the future I might put it.
See ya mè pina coladas

~Kc is out~

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