When you meet again - Raphael (Edited)

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I hope you enjoy this. So enjoy the story.

Rapheal A.K.A Wreck-it-Raph

You were on the roof at night. Siting at the edge. You didnt want to deal with your parents yelling at you about you being late. You been thinking and then you started to remember about your hero. You had this weird feeling. You've never felt this way before. You didnt like it. You dont know what your hero looks like.
You got up and about to go to your room. But, you saw a little girl. Sitting on the roof. You were wondering why she was on the roof. You went to her and asked.
"Where's your parents?"
"My mommy is at work and my dad is here.... Watching me..." She points to the sky and then her heart. A tear went down her face.
"I'm sorry I asked" You hugged her and she hugged back sobbing.
"Just remember that the past is in the past." She started to calm down a bit.
"T-thank y-you miss?"
"(Y/N)" the girl smiled.
The little girl looked at you and she was relaxed because of what you said.
" My name is Grace," as she smiled at you. Then you can hear a car parking. Grace stands up and checks. She ran to the stairs and stopped. She turned around and ran and hugged you. You hugged back.
" Thank you for cheering me up and being a good friend (Y/N)," Grace lets go and ran to the stair cases and went down to her apartment.
" Your welcome Grace. Your welcome," You smiled and got up and wipe some dust off of you. Then you felt this tingle sensation on your foot.
" AHH!!! " You whined and tried to wake your foot up.(* Or I call it. Pins And Needles *)

* 2 or 3 minutes later BROUGHT TO Me and Jazmine selling BEST SELLS OF ALL nothing. Sold out *

When your foot was AWOKEN.
"Finally!" You were irritated by your foot falling asleep. Then when you were about to turn around to yo apartment. You heard some Thumps. Weird.
You turned around and saw some... Ninjas in black suits. You thought they were idiots for wearing ninja suits on ( any day and month is september ). You were about to say something and You saw that the 'ninjas' reaching out their swords. Then they started coming at you and you got into a fighting pose. You knew some martial arts but, you couldnt handle all of them. You attacked like 3-5 of them. More was still coming at your way
(* Reminded me of a song. If you know what it is then GOOD FOR YOUUU! If not... Its from Remy boyz *)
Then there was a quick flash and defeated about 6-I dont know 9 of them. Then the figure looked at you. It was that person with those green eyes. You were about to speak again but he left in a jiffy. You saw a piece of paper floating side to side. You walked up to it and grabbed it. You looked what was inside. You smiled and blushed a bit and rolled your eyes when you read the slip of paper.

' You got some pretty good fighting skills. Call me when you get trouble again'

You put the slip of paper in your pocket and headed toward home. You found a random number and kept it. Then you flopped on to bed and slept.

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