When you meet again - Michelangelo

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Im freaking Out dudes I think Im gonna
IM FREAKING OUT!!! (If anyone knos what episode I got it from then HAZA Congratulations you won The Best sells Of All NOTHING! Pick a color any color except for black because That can 50% chance could turn into a Black hole or mess with your eyes at night )
I saw with my 2 little eyes that 1K people saw most parts in my book. You dont kno how much Im squealing!
Thanks for that. I appreciate it!
Alright Have fun reading this! :D

Mikey Myers

Today was the best day ever! You had no homework For Once! Yay! [Clear throat] Back to the story.

You were skating at the Skate park. You were about to do a awesome trick but something or should I say someone was in the way.
"WATCH OUT!!" The person looked and you both crashed.
"Ow...[Groans]" you both groan at the same time. You both got up and wiped off the dust on you guys. You looked at the Dude or dudette and stopped. You were shocked. The turtle rubbed his head and looked around and see you looking at him. He freaked out.
"Uhhh.... Uhhh.... This is only a dream," hoping you would buy it.
"This doesnt feel like a dream and I know I wouldnt dream about a... Turtle dude." You say as you get your skateboard.
"YOU CAN SKATE DUDETTE!!" You jumped at his outburst.
"Yyyyeeaaahhhhh...," having a bad feeling about that. The Turtle dude got really happy.
"Dudette, me and you are going to Best Friends! Wait I forgot to ask you something. Whats your name?!" He asked and He was hype at the same time.
"(Y/n) Turtle dude!" Then you saw his eyes. They were the same baby blue eyes when you saw your savior. He said his name but you didnt pay attention.
He looked at you like when Donnie explained what DNA stand for. Then his phone rang and he answered it. There were some yelling and your head was still in the clouds. He had to go.
" I have to go. OH! Here!" You shook your head from your thoughts. 'What did he give me? Is he... Is He BLUSHING!?!?' you took the piece of paper. 'How did he get a piece of paper if hes... A turtle' you questioned but shrugged it off. You both smiled.
"Got to go, Buffalo!" He yelled as he was going farther farther away from you. You smiled.
"Bye-Bye, Butterfly!" You yelled and you went separate ways. You still cant believe you got his phone number! When you got home you shrieked and was fangirling. Then you had a wonderful night.


Took me a whole day to come up with this. Have a good night or day. Bye mè pina colada.

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