When He Knows your captured - Donnie

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I changed the title cause im lazy to see what title i put before so yeah

Donnie was in his lab just doing work (*I ain't gonna go to work work work wo- sorry...*) until he got a knock on his lab door.
"Hey Donnie. Anything new?" Donnie looked at Mikey
"When did you wanted to know if I did something new?" Mikey looks at Donnie. Donnie was just confused. Mikey looked at Donnie.

"Because I wanna become like you Donnie," with a grin ear to ear. Donnie just rolled his eyes.
"No Mikey. Nothing New. Just trying to figure out the solution for retro mutagen. It always keeps exploding!"
"Chill Don," Mikey said as he dropped something not important. Mikey tried to fix it.
"Mikey, don't." Mikey only tried to help and fix his... Accident...
"Okay Don," Donnie was just aggravated.
"I'm gonna go get fresh air to.... Help me clear my brain," someone else came and scoffed a bit.
"Since when did you say that Donnie?"

Donnie was just standing... There.
"Huh Donnie?" Donnie had nothing until something came up.
"Well acc-," He got cut off by Mikey rant.
"Not the science talk!!!!" Donnie just rolled his eyes and just exit the lair.

*minutes later*

Donnie was happy and relieved he came out of the lair. He was lucky that the others didn't know that he likes another... Human. Why? Because Donnie didn't want any complaints if she was working with The Shredder. Donnie didn't believe that even if it was true. He knew she was a good... Person.


Donnie jumped a but from the noise and went to investigate it. It came from your room. He thought your dad was in there but he thought wrong. He sees Buzzman stockman. He growled. He chased after him but curious what he was gonna take you.
'I swear. If you hurt my precious dandelion. I will kill you.'

I was gonna update yesterday but I got really tired. So yeah.... Hope you like it. See yah

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