Quick question

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Sooo has anyone watched the new episode?
I did and I want these questions out of my head.

1.Where THE HECK IS Bishop?!?!?!?
He was a good kraang that really knows how to fight.

2. Are the turtles gonna meet mona lisa?!?!?!?
Im just hyped about that

3. Why? Why shredder? WHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
Why did you have to kill splinter?!
You dont know how shocked I am that Shredder killed Splinter. Splinter was this close | |
That close. But no Shredder had to kill him and let the word disintegrate...
Well being sucked in to the black hole ripping apart.

Last question.
Is she alive tho???
Answer that I think
She got sucked into the black whole
The other one. No she is not alive

Sorry if you thought this was something else like the story. Im just hype and shocked about the episode. It made me angry and sad and hype and shocked.
It made my anger boil inside me. It just makes me wanna hit the t.v. like that man did.
But I did not pee myself. Or cried. I just imagine of me falcon punch the screen.
I need to calm down. Hope you enjoy your sweet life.
Dont let this episode take you carried away. Just. Just dont.
See ya mè pinà coladas

~Kassy out squeezing the heck out of the stress relievers~

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