When he thinks about you - Leonardo

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This was about when you guys start to hang out for 3-6 months. Okay? Okay

You and Leo have been friends for awhile. His family still doesn't know about you yet and your family doesn't know him. He was in the dojo mediating. He was alone meditating. Then he saw your (E/C) eyes and then your (H/C) hair. He liked how you smile. He liked how you get sucked into a t.v show and you make faces like when he watches space heros. He think its cute.... Hold on. Cute? Then he feels his face going red. He opens his eyes and sees.... No one. Whew he was lucky. His brothers would have made fun of him. But, he didn't think of that problem. He was to busy thinking of you. When he goes near you he gets this heart sensation and he doesn't understand why.
'Why? Have this been going on? For how long? How come his heart beats fast when he is near you? What's making this happen?' Those questions are all in his head. He needs to know. He needs the answers. Now. He couldn't stand it. He just want to blur it out to you but you might think he's crazy or something. He didn't want to ruin your friendship with him.
'Should I talk to Donnie? Should I tell him what I feel? Will he just say what we say to him when He talks about April? Should I' that's what he is thinking about. His body is telling him no. But, his mind is telling him yes. He is so confused.
He gets up and walks out the dojo. Maybe Space Hero wouldclear his mind as he thought. But, he thought wrong. He kept watching but you keep popping in his mind

Could you be his princess?

Watcha think about the story. Seriously I'm running out of Ideas. This is the only thing I could think of

I also do vine videos for fun and have people watch it for no reason and complain about it :3
I have no soul :'1

I also am sorry if this was short and complicated and a waste of your time

Time is money??? Right???? Or is it around?????

I also like to say.... Bye have a good night or day or afternoon pina coladas

I'm also a duck and a squirrel

~Kassy out looking out the window for some more squirrels~

"Where are you? You little beasts!" With a fake knife in my hand and looking at my window

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