When someone else watches - Leonardo

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Okay I have no ideas. This was out of no where. I was just watching a video and this came out alright of my Mind.

??? P.o.v

I was out patrol looking for the turtles. Then a see someone. More than one. I see a girl talking to someone. I get closer but not to close for the strangers to see me. Then I see a blue strip. Its flapping around. Then a see a white and green color.
'What has a blue strip and green and white' I think very hard. Then it reminds me. The turtles are green. The turtles have white well Leonardo and Donatello have white bandages. Leonardo has a blue Bandana but it could be someone else. Then I see crystal clear it was Leonardo with a girl.
'Hmm.... Maybe this will lead Leonardo and his brothers to come to the Shredder if I capture her. Maybe this plan would work.' I smirk and laughed a bit and I leave.

Just maybe

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